Written by Platinum Boxing Promotion’s Boxing Ghost: I frequent the boxing boards far more often than I should. If a passion more befits me then im yet to find it….ok, ok, let’s play ball and bark out the well-trodden phrase of “besides my children and my wife, [insert occupation here] is the greatest love of my life”. Slight caveat, I’m not married and I don’t have any kids.
I don’t know when this happened, I don’t know if it was preordained, perhaps Moses had this etched upon the tablets of stone, by the lord himself, when he stood aloft Mount Sinai. Maybe Aesop fabled the coming, or perchance Nostradamus predicted that sometime in the 21st century of our lord Jesus Christ we would be plagued by a swarm of ‘know-it-all” boxing ‘experts’ who would believe a fighter is only of any value as long as his 0 remains intact.