THE message from the judge was like one of his jabs.
Short and succinct.
The man in the dock was 25 years old. He’d had something of a charmed life. He had a beautiful wife – Theresa, his high school sweetheart. She had given him three of the most precious things in his life – daughters Cyanne, Maria and Menime.
But there he was, very quickly coming to terms with the fact that for the first time in a long time, his fate was no longer in his own hands.
It was 2005, and Alex Leapai was in the court room facing a grievous bodily harm charge after his brutal attack on a couple of local bouncers.
The judge said the brutality – which left one of the men badly injured – warranted a four year prison term – and that’s what was delivered – but with a caveat. The judge, taking into account Leapai’s children, wife and his good work record gave him some hope. “If you behave yourself inside for six months, you will be released…”