Eubank Jr claims GGG “doesn’t deserve” to be considered the best middleweight in world, says he’d fight him “tomorrow”

Eubank Jr claims GGG “doesn’t deserve” to be considered the best middleweight in world, says he’d fight him “tomorrow”

Chris Eubank Jr vs Tom Doran at The O2 in London on June 25

Chris Eubank Jr vs Tom Doran at The O2 in London on June 25

Michael Watson speaks on ill-fated Eubank Junior-Nick Blackwell fight

Michael Watson speaks on ill-fated Eubank Junior-Nick Blackwell fight

Chris Eubank Junior stops gutsy Nick Blackwell in 10th-round of a war, takes British middleweight title

Chris Eubank Junior stops gutsy Nick Blackwell in 10th-round of a war, takes British middleweight title

Blackwell promises war against Eubank Jr

Nick Blackwell and Chris Eubank Jr. collide at The SSE Arena, Wembley

Nick Blackwell and Chris Eubank Jr. collide at The SSE Arena, Wembley

Hennessy Sports win the right to stage Blackwell vs. Eubank Jr.