By offering Fans to decide, Mayweather Jr. might rob Amir Khan of his confidence

By offering Fans to decide, Mayweather Jr. might rob Amir Khan of his confidence

“I’m going to let the fans vote. Tell me who I should fight next. Khan or Maidana?,” posted Floyd Mayweather Jr. on his Instagram page, with the pictures of both possible opponents side by side.

This is certainly a curve ball from Mayweather Jr., and even if it turns out to be nothing but a joke, it can still send a very destructive message to either fighter, with Amir Khan more likely to be affected by it.

Since reading about his humble offer, I started looking around trying to find any and all online polls and discussions on the subject. While I wouldn’t say that I am shocked by what I am seeing, the fact that there are so many more people interested in having Mayweather Jr. give Maidana a shot, than to see Floyd face Khan, is at the least curiosity arousing.


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Floyd Mayweather Junior asks his fans who he should fight next: Khan or Maidana

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