![Photo: Luis Collazo: Ready, willing, and able Collazobklyn[1]](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20width='275'%20height='206'%20viewBox='0%200%20275%20206'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, has always paid homage to the American worker and served as a tribute to the contribution he or she has made to the strength, opulence, and welfare of the United States.
On a day that celebrates the worker’s fortitude and commitment to success, it seems only fitting that one of the more determined and resilient fighters in boxing gets another opportunity to “punch the clock” on network television.
Former WBA Welterweight Champion Luis Collazo (33-5, 17 KOs) will compete in the main event of the evening on Fox Sports One’s newest boxing series, “Monday Night Fights”, from San Antonio, Texas, against 22 year old prospect Alan Sanchez (12-2-1, 6 KOs) of Fairfax, California.
The perennial contender is excited to be a headliner on the Golden Boy/Leija Battah Promotions fight card.