By Paul Strauss: Almost before the well-publicized results and televised replay of Miguel Angel “Mikey” Garcia vs Orlando “Siri” Salido fight were made, the discordant honking sounds of the carping, nitpicking twerps surfaced. It permeates the air with the old nonsensical bull shit about quitting. It’s the old testosterone crapola about “going to war” or “he’ll have to kill me” foolishness. The thoroughly whipped Salido had nothing left but to throw in his, “My nose was broken too, but Mexicans don’t quit.”
Good for you Siri. However, if your nose was broken, it came from a punch. You had no choice but to continue, unless you wanted to be TKO’d. There’s no doubt about what caused Mikey’s rerouted smeller. It was a rapidly moving noggin thruster, thrown from the left hook side. There was no wham, only a crunching sound…….skull on bone and cartilage. Damn right is was an “Ouch”! More importantly, it was a foul; albeit accidental according to the generous Mikey.
Accordingly, why should Mikey fight on just to please the raucous, adrenaline high knuckleheads, who would much rather witness a barroom brawl than a picturesque demonstration of the sweet science?