Hatton Talks Experiences With Floyd Mayweather Snr

Hatton Talks Experiences With Floyd Mayweather Snr

Hatton thinks Khan would be unbeaten now if he fought everybody the way he did Collazo

Hatton thinks Khan would be unbeaten now if he fought everybody the way he did Collazo

How would the great Ricky Hatton have fared against the great Manny Pacquiao had the two met in their respective primes? “Hitman” looks back

How would the great Ricky Hatton have fared against the great Manny Pacquiao had the two met in their respective primes? “Hitman” looks back

Hatton: Khan deserves the Mayweather fight if he beats Collazo

Hatton: Khan deserves the Mayweather fight if he beats Collazo

Hatton: Rios is a dangerous fight for Pacquiao

Ricky “Hitman” Hatton hits York!

Ricky Hatton And UFC Star Paul Sass Put Each other Through Their Paces

Hatton advising Pacquiao to retire

Hatton stunned at seeing Pacquiao obliterated by Marquez