45 Years Ago Today: Ali Vs. Norton III – A Taxing, Physical Chess Match

By James Slater - 09/28/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 09/28/2021

9 thoughts on “45 Years Ago Today: Ali Vs. Norton III – A Taxing, Physical Chess Match”

  1. Larry Holmes would have beaten George. He would have worn him out with his great jab and superior footwork!

  2. Nonsense Anonymous. In boxing as the saying goes, “styles make fights”. Dundee said that Norton’s style would always have given Ali fits. After a clear victory by Norton in their first fight , Ali gutted out a decisive victory in their 2nd. The rubber match was every bit as close as the judges ( including the highly regarded Arthur Mercante and Harold Lederman) had it. Norton’s corner made a critical tactical error, and strategies are part of prize fights. Dundee never erred in his advice to Ali ( except maybe when he told Ali to get off the ropes against Foreman, which Ali ignored). That Ali had enough to still beat Norton and Shavers after his exile followed by the fights with Smokin’ Joe and Foreman, is a testimony to his greatness.

  3. Norton beat Ali in all three of their fights IMO..He broke his jaw in the 1st fight and was robbed by the judges in both the second and third bouts.

  4. …and then Norton would have had to fight Foreman, and likely been KO’d, changing boxing history. Foreman vs Holmes ?

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