Andy Lee: Fury will beat Wilder faster this time

By Michael Collins - 08/07/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 08/08/2021

85 thoughts on “Andy Lee: Fury will beat Wilder faster this time”

  1. It’s sad that yes Deontay started all this talk bout Fury cheating. Well next fight you going see who the champ still holds true today. And it’s boxing folks. Deontay you going down your team knows it to. That’s why y’all starting all. This racist stuff cause ya all ready know. By by!

  2. I can’t believe so many people still are so stupid they actually believe fury won .
    He loaded gloves

  3. Only Luis Ortiz fought Deontay Wilder and he was caught on steroids . Deontay Wilder still fought him . A. J. , Whyte , fury avoid Luis Ortiz .
    DeontayWilder had to sue to force fury to fight a contractual agreement . And fury still runs .
    A. J , Whyte , fury are all talk
    Sign the contract and fight Deontay Wilder without cheating now , immediately . Years and years of this .

  4. Unless Wilder learned to box, it’s gonna be the same as the last match. Wilder is not as technically sound as Fury and he just goes in hoping to land the bomb right hand. The second bout proved that doesn’t work. It’s like what people that don’t understand poker say about poker, “It’s all luck.” No, it’s isn’t. Sure, an amateur can sit down next to a pro and win but on a consistent level, the pro will walk away with the money. That’s how I feel about Wilder. If he can get lucky and land the bomb, he might win but that’s not a good strategy nor is it boxing. Look at Mike Tyson late in his career when he lost his fire. He relied on the same tactic and it didn’t work for him either. And Mike had way more tools in the tool shed to pull from than Wilder could ever imagine. I’m not a Wilder hater nor a Fury fan boy, I’m just a huge fan of boxing. I have respect for both of them as I do anyone that steps into the ring at a professional level. This is just my opinion/feelings on the upcoming event.

  5. Deontay Wilder is the superior fighter , he fights by the queensbury rules of boxing . A great champion with ten title defense in five years . That’s every six months .

  6. Fury about to whip Wilder for the 3rd time, and Fury will eventually become the first undisputed heavyweight champ in the 4 belt era once he whips Joshua. That’s if Usyk doesn’t whip him first👌👌👌

    • It’s partly about race , and partially about making money by controlling people like you .
      Some boxers just won’t take a dive on command .
      Deontay Wilder is one of those guys .

  7. This fight will answer all questions and finally prove who is better all this here say and no proof in the courts or any type of arbitration proves nothing but people and front running parties looking for proof with no actual facts! Now we will find out who is better beyond the shadow of a doubt and of course their will always be fans that cry the blues and will continue to be making excuses for their fighter instead of enjoying the sport this time there will be no excuses….just a guaranteed winner and alot of sore losers looking for excuses….Tyson Fury will dominate !!! He’s just a better all around fighter better skills, boxing , ring generalship. The total package he hurt Wilder in the second fight he will destroy him in the third toooooo strong 💪🤣 its already over…

    • Armando ,
      Sir you are misinformed , and underestimating Deontay Wilder . There’s no way fury could ever beat Deontay Wilder without cheating tactics .
      Deontay Wilder is an athlete , fury is a drug addict , he is addicted to street drugs and alcohol and steroids cocaine especially .

  8. boxfansince70s ,
    Deontay Wilder clearly out boxes fury , and fury cheats fury cheated in both fights . In a way that is very clear and obvious . These offenses should be punished .
    On average 13 boxers die in the ring each year . So please stop jokingly pretending that you are unaware many felonies are documented to have occurred .

    • There s absolutely no proof of cheating. I knocked sguess he was cheating when he got up from the knock down.wilder had his chances,now here comes his last

  9. Deontay Wilder said he will end it in seven . Don’t talk no jive or he will cut it to five .

  10. Go on and retire , it’s better than fighting Deontay Wilder . Make Deontay Wilder sue you .

  11. Tyson Fury got knocked out in the first fight by Wilder. The referee took forever before he started counting because he didn’t want Tyson to loose. It was the joke of the century to declare that first fight a draw. Go back and watch that fight and see for yourself.

    • Click the settings button on the utube channel video and adjust the speed to watch it in slow motion .

    • You’re wrong. It is VERY common for the ref to start the count one or two sec after a fighter hits the canvas. This ref took about 3 sec but even if you adjust for his delay and start the count after just one sec Fury still makes the count. I just timed it. And if Wilder really had him knocked out why couldn’t he Finnish him off when Fury got up instead of making excuses? And none of this changes the fact that Fury absolutely DESTROYED wilder in the second fight.

    • You boys are funny and lying wimps . I haven’t cried on over thirty years boy . You can’t even honestly evaluate a simple minded technique like glove tampering . Even you know fury cheated but just lie . You’re worthless and need to mature .

  12. I watched the first fight between Wilder and Fury. Fury got knocked out by Wilder but the referee took forever before he started counting. It was a joke if the century to declare that first fight a draw.

  13. I’m surprised you people even commented in support of fury after all of the evidence .

  14. Dano,
    Deontay Wilder has been singled out y the boxing establishment because he is his own man . He says what’s on his mind and he runs his own career .

    • Just try thinking for your self , using your own mind and be a mature male . Instead of listening to people who don’t deserve your respect .

    • It’s fury who is retired . His career has been over .
      Now it’s A. J . And Deontay Wilder .

    • This will be his last chance to prove himself. This has nothing to do with boxing . It’s a race issue.

  15. Both fury and a j are afraid of Deontay Wilder . They’re making excuses after excuses after excuses just to avoid Deontay Wilder .

    • Mason , fury was fighting bare knuckle against Deontay Wilder , plus he has an egg weight in his glove .
      I wouldn’t be bragging about it .

  16. Deontay Wilder is a much better boxer than fury . The only reason fury is saying he will fight Deontay Wilder is because if he doesn’t he will get sued again except this time fore millions .

  17. Mr. Dumb ,
    Deontay Wilder fought every six months for five years in defense of the WBC belt .
    All we hear are excuses . Excuses , excuses , excuses .

  18. James ,
    I am responding to your comment where you supported fury’s unsubstantiated record .
    You called me an immature 10 year old . Clearly you wish fury was a great fighter , you are a fan . Using the slang , “wanker ” , mens your probably from the UK.
    The UK won’t let fury fight anymore because he got caught cheating so much .
    That’s why he came to America , but now Americans know what kind of cheater fury is .

  19. Sit down young men and allow an elder to teach you about the facts of life .
    The only way the ogre that is Tyson can make it look like he won is threw conspiring with others ( top officials ) , to commit fraud . No way .

  20. He was never KO the first time, so how he going KO him faster this time. Don’t make sense!!!
    Fury not making pass the 5th round..

  21. You people can’t really feel this way? Fury is regarded the best heavyweight by the majority of fans and professionals alike. I’d be surprised if you can find one professional that actually thinks Wilder is a top tier boxer. All these crazy conspiracies is right up there with Tupac is alive, and no one ever landed on the moon. When Wilder looks in the mirror he knows what really happened. I’m sure he make the realization after both Ortiz fights that his boxing isn’t up to par, he has to land that eraser. Wilder would be embarrassed for you reading these comments.

    • Wilder is going to quit boxing after the 3rd beating.All this rats rooting for wilder will be cryn blood tears hahaha.

    • No , young man no . Deontay Wilder is the most feared heavyweight boxer in the world . Everyone knows Tyson cheated that’s his legacy .

    • Mike R ,
      Deontay Wilder is a Canastonia New York international boxing Hall of famer 10 title defense in five years .

    • Deontay Wilder is a Canastonia New York international boxing Hall of famer 10 title defense in five years .

    • Deontay Wilder is the baddest man on the planet . And fury , he’s controlled by the mob .

    • They both chat rubbish and they both ducked Joshua and only fight hand picked fighters

  22. Anonymous;
    You idiot!
    Please shut the f up asap.
    You clearly have no idea what’s going on and it shows with your comments.
    You sound like some 10yr old with stories of egg weights in a glove, You stupid c@#t.
    What a complete wanker you are.

  23. It’s one excuse after another with the fury camp
    Excuses, excuses , excuses . What’s going to be your excuse now ?

  24. Deontay Wilder has the patience of job . The fight has passed the date set by the judge and even after making fun of Al Hayman all the time , no action has been taken to insure Olympic random style testing randomly for Tyson steroids are a must . He is on them now . Have any random tests been done ?
    Hell no .

  25. Criminals run boxing . How else could an out of shape tyson even get away with steroid use ? He can hardly walk stumbling around . Deontay Wilder has the soul , the flow in the zone .

  26. Deontay Wilder has never tested positive for steroids , fury’s on steroids again and he hasn’t been tested . Even if fury tests positive like he did in every fight , he is allowed to fight then gets a medical exemption form post fight signed by a doctor’s excuse for low testosterone levels .

  27. Manipulation of gloves is what fury does . Drugging opponents and fighting while high on enhancers like crank and cocaine . He has been caught before and had his license permanently indefinitely suspended .

  28. Deontay Wilder has never been beat . Anybody knows that . That’s why John fury said nobody in the UK likes Tyson because he can’t box , he isn’t a good fighter . All that cheating got him banned from the UK boxing .

  29. Put a curse on the white man from town that’s what fury is , he’s a white man from town , posing as a gypsy . I am a Gypsy , gypsy’s are dark .

  30. Wishful thinking . Deontay Wilder can’t be beat by any heavyweight boxer to date . Deontay Wilder got robbed in the first fight with all the exemption advantages given to fury and cheating .

    • We all know Tyson cheated in both fights , what are you going to do about it ?
      This is a white man’s world you and Al Hayman are just two more rich darkies .
      Try and pull off one of the many cheating tactics fury has gotten away with easily , just one let’s say tripping , Or neck wrenching . Try putting an eggweight in the glove and smashing your opponents skull permanently .

    • Big talk from Deontay Wilder competition ,a j , fury , Whyte talk , talk , talk .
      Sign the contract , get in the ring , and ight without cheating tactics . Man to man , fair and square , in the middle of the ring . Never happened and never will .
      Hell they still won’t even fight Luis king Kong Ortiz .

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