Caleb Plant coach Wade talks about loss to Canelo Alvarez

By Rob Smith - 11/11/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 11/11/2021

6 thoughts on “Caleb Plant coach Wade talks about loss to Canelo Alvarez”

  1. Caleb had only a dismal resume- mostly tomato cans. Only reason why Canelo fought him to begin with was his belt, not because his pedigree as a worthy opponent.

  2. Plant was running from canelo all of the fight he was scared of canelo but yet he did a lot of talking before the fight! A scared man will never beat canelo. Period!!

  3. I don’t possibly believe that Charlo can crack harder than Canelo! No validation to that opinion whatsoever.

  4. I agree. Unless he develops punching power he will not beat charlo, Benavides and certainly not any of the top lightheavyweights who are his same height and punch harder than him.

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