Caleb Plant punches Canelo Alvarez in the jaw during face off

By Rob Smith - 09/21/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 09/22/2021

21 thoughts on “Caleb Plant punches Canelo Alvarez in the jaw during face off”

  1. All these Camelot fans saying he didn’t get touched with the swift left. Yes he did. Also it’s not a sucker punch when Camelot shoved him to set-off the exchange. Both fighters swung and connected.
    It’s time to buy tickets, this is gonna be a doozy!

  2. First he didn’t even hit him and canelo landed a left articles bs 😂😂 we all can clearly see

  3. First i thought this was clickbate but as i skimmed thru this i realized that either this guy is dumb and cant tell between an actual punch or open hand not to mention the fact Plant missed as Canelo swerved on him and fed Plant a 2 piece. Or this guy is not a journalist or reporter just a blogger that cant get the facts straight. This guy smh

  4. This article is a joke. Yah Caleb got shoved. He then came back with a sneaky open handed slap which Canelo swerved away from and countered with an immediate left right combo to Plants melon. Watch it in slomo, Canelos left, left a cut under Caleb’s right eye. Lucky it was open handed otherwise Caleb’s orbital bone might have been caved in.

  5. Rob.

    Integrity is a currency that shouldn’t be spent on click bait. It’s not to late for you to become a creative voice with substance.

    • Yeah wtf it was the other way round. Caleb missed a sucker punch and Canelo got him good with a counter. Even opened Caleb up.

  6. This article is all wrong Caleb Plant trying to sucker Punch Canelo which did not work and got caught with a one too combination Canelo clearly got the best of cable plan he’s down in the scorecards to to nothing

  7. Sorry to whoever wrote this article but I have watch the clip five times on YouTube but Caleb Plant never touched Canelo he tried to sucker punch him and Canelo 🙈 swirved and countered Plant with a 2 piece combination which means he got caught with the left hook right hand

    • Yes this dude that wrote this article is apparently blind as hell plant got outboxed in 2 seconds 😆 🤣 😂

  8. Excuse me? Plant didn’t land that punch and took a counter right and left in the process

  9. Dumbest article I’ve ever read. Totally biased. Canelo out boxes, out smarts, and works lame plant.

  10. You straight up liar he did not land no open hand fingers even a slap you said a punch you better go watch that again

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