Caleb Plant sends a message to Canelo Alvarez

By Albert Craine - 10/09/2021 - Comments

IBF super middleweight champion Caleb ‘Sweethands’ Plant says he’s got a message waiting for Canelo Alvarez and he’s going to find out on November 6th when he gets him inside the ring. Canelo vs. Plant will be shown on Showtime PPV from MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Plant (21-0, 12 KOs) says Canelo lost his cool in their Los Angeles press conference last month on September 21st because he’s not used to his opponents believing in themselves.

Most of the guys that Canelo (56-1-2, 38 KOs) fights are there for the paycheck and give away their world titles, according to Plant.

He says he has no intention of doing that because he plans on beating Canelo and giving taking his three titles to become the first-ever undisputed champion at super middleweight.

More than anyone that Canelo has faced before, Plant has angered him, and it is hard to know why.

The only thing that makes sense is that Canelo is used his opponents being cowed by him, and not fighting to the best of their ability.

“It would mean everything. That’s the highest pinnacle of this sport,” said Caleb Plant to Boxing Social. “Not just to become a world champion but to unify all the belts and become undisputed.

“If you really take this sport serious, then that’s your goal and that’s been my goal for a long time and I got a big opportunity in front of me. I’m just looking to go in there and let the bell ring and seize that moment,” said Plant.

It would be a massive letdown for Canelo if he lost to Plant on November 6th because he’s spent the last three years of his career slowly collecting titles at 168 in trying to become the undisputed champion.

If Plant beats Canelo, all the hard work and time Alvarez has put into trying to become the undisputed champion will have been wasted.

“He can say whatever he wants, but on November 6th, he’s going to find out for himself,” said Plant in reacting to Canelo saying that he’s not on his level.

Canelo believes he’s better than Plant, and he seems to be annoyed by his self confidence. It appears that Canelo wants Plant to act unassuming and be humble, but he hasn’t been doing that.

“I was calm & cool. He was the one acting out of character, not me,” said Plant. “So if you put your hands on me, that’s a green light. I responded, but he was the one who reacted. He lost his cool.

Caleb Plant sends a message to Canelo Alvarez

“I’m not sure why. He’s got someone in front of him that he knows that aren’t just there to pick up a check or hand over a belt, and he don’t like that. I think he lost his cool.

“Then he got up there and tried to get his speech off and couldn’t even talk, he couldn’t even get his words out. So he’s the one acting out of character,” said Plant.

Canelo was struggling with his speech during the LA press conference because he was upset at some of the things Plant had said, and it appears that he wasn’t strong enough with his English skills to get the words out.

“That I’m under his skin somehow, he don’t like me, and somehow his feathers are ruffled,” said Plant about Canelo. “He’s in for a treat. On November 6th, you guys are going to find out.

“It’s up there but I felt motivated and determined for all my fights,” said Plant. “You don’t become a world champion by getting a belt and then acting like a world champion.

“You got to carry yourself, walk, talk, train like a champion before you get a belt. That’s how you become a world champion.

“I’m motivated and dedicated and I have been to my craft since I first started. This is a big movement, and I’m just excited to get in there and let that bell ring.

“The key to being successful is being myself. I’ve got all the tools and skills necessary to get my hand raised in that fight.

“If I go in there and be anybody but myself, then who knows? But if I go in there and be myself Caleb Plant there’s nobody at 168 lbs that can beat me.

“It’s a big fight and a lot of stakes on the line and both are ready to prove that they’re right,” said Plant when asked about the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury 3 fight this Saturday night.

“So when the bell rings, we’re going to find out for sure.

“You’re going to find out for sure like I said. I told you when we were staring off at each other that you’re going to find out real soon. On November 6th, you’re going to really find out,” said Plant in sending a message to Canelo.


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Last Updated on 10/09/2021

133 thoughts on “Caleb Plant sends a message to Canelo Alvarez”

  1. “If plant stays laser focus”
    “IF” that is a big two letter word,if you are fighting Canelo”

  2. Man, yall are silly… Caleb can do the work if he stays on the outside with combinations. Not saying a KO but a decision. I mean, yall forgot about them triple G fights?! Canelo got gifted them decisions… Should be a fun one.

  3. John Jones go eat a banana pinche mayate the only things a mayate is good for is swinging from tree to tree and collecting EBT pinche chango!

    • John Jones the only thing crumb snatching mayates are good for is swinging from tree to tree while eating a banana pinche stinky mayate go take a shower …oh I forgot mayates cant get there velcro hair wet now that’s hella nasty!

  4. Plant talks to much bologna. Talk is cheap well see on November 6th. ” green go home”

    • I follow boxing quite a lot
      But obviously not close enough
      I have never heard of this fighter until now that he’s about to face canelo
      Wish him the best though

    • Caleb plant is thinking like all the others but he is in for a beating from Canelo to much experience for Canelo He will get tko out or KO. BET THAT !!!!

  5. All I can say you white boy really talk too much. Hope you learn your lesson in the ring about being humble . Instead wapping your mouth. What a Hater…Lmao….

    • Exactly! Plant has a dirty, big mouth, and Canelo is going to teach him a lesson that he will NEVER forget! Hopefully Canelo will break his big mouth, and teach him some respect not only for his mom, but for all! Plant is arrogant, and a big mouth but Canelo is going to bring him down on his knees, and teach him the lesson if his life!
      A true champ demonstrates his worth and value, supported with actions, and not a loud mouth!
      Plant has obviously never confronted an opponent of Canelo’s stature, power, and dignity. This loud mouth is in for something to remember forever, and won’t be sweet for him!

    • Canelo talks a lot of caca too. Remember he got a few gift decisions! Canelo is out of character. No tengas miedo homie !

  6. Plant who has he fought a GGG,a Mayweather, Cullum,Saunders he has fought nobody the only smart move he has is making 10 Million dollars he won’t last very long period he will probably retire after the fight no he will retire.!!!!!

  7. The white man is weak,boxing is a minority sport, business,til this day the gringo is hoping for their great white hope…just like Saunder’s …they don’t know what work is..

  8. Canelo Alvarez doing all the heavy lifting………. Is the face of boxing pound for pound number one in the world…….

  9. Did you notice plant when the man asked him give and say what you want to canello plant kept looking all around left and right up-and-down he never looked directly into the camera and camera and said what he said to Canelo’s face supposedly but the dude was looking all around but where you should have been looking that tells me a lot

  10. No Cojones DuckNelo is going to get schooled and beatdown by a poor Man’s Boogeyman Andrade 😉😅😂🤣👌🏾

  11. Please let’s not compare Caleb hand speed to Mayweather if u know ur boxing. Caleb is NOT! Mayweather. By the way, wat is it with all these white boys in recent months abt being great boxers n talking trash like as if they accomplished something. Like seriously lol first ‘Paul who’ n now ‘ Caleb who’ the hell going on with boxing these days . So sad

  12. At this point Canelo can care less about what you say. Like Canelo says…”speak in the ring.” Don’t worry Caleb…the day will come.

    • An old saying.. a dog that barks does not bite!!!… Plant will be Planted… Watch Canelo is not playing that BS!!!…..

  13. Let me explain, as a Mexican/Tejano in our culture when some says MF to another, it is fighting words! We do not use MF unless we are ready to fight! Comprende?

  14. Canelo is going to put the smackdown on plans candy ass he just talks too much and he’s even on the ring yet really really canelo don’t have to get on the ring and find out who’s the best he knows that he’s the best plan just talking too much crap he’s jealous because canelo is going to put the smack down on his candy ass and then canelo is going to say do you smell what The Rock is cooking The Rock says that your jabroni ass he’s going down all over the ring and then he’s going to say go suck a monkey’s nipples if you smell what canelo is cooking

    • I’m sorry, but can you translate that into English?? 😂😂😂🙂🙂😅🤣🤣😂😂

    • You know punctuation is a thing right? And what the hell does wrestling have to do with this?

    • Hes week and act like a biotch always flapping his gums like he’s the greatest of all time at only 21 one fights he belongs on the Jerry springer show

    • What big name fight has he fought? Oh wait, a bunch of high school amateurs? Did he get his belt at the thrift store?
      Chatta hell up!

    • Plant will be a heavy bag getting hard punches to his body! He won’t be able to take Canelo’s body punches.Canelo hits hard!!! Plant will pay!

    • Undefeated cuz he ain’t fought nobody ……… Not one elite fighter on his resume

  15. Caneloroids may possibly get whooped by Caleb Plant. Caneloroids is protected by the Mexican WBA. I’m going with the American, just like me. I don’t respect cheaters like the Lil Roid eater Caneloroids.

    • WBA Is not Mexican its Panamanian WBC is theMexican equivalent to the WBO out of Puerto Rico n the IBF witch is a American controlled belt now you have the coseysms
      Bruto del diablo.lmmfao🤣😂😀✌🙏😎


    • Yeah I bet you’re going with the American. Shows you don’t know much about boxing. Caleb fights wildly swinging his arms carelessly. Canelo is going to wear him down with body shots, and catch him with a counter hige punch when Caleb is swinging wildly. Lights out for the “American” mark my words

    • You damn fan fairies🧚, I mean you damn fanboys, and haters. I can’t imagine how it’s going to “feel, to” see your punk, weak, fake assss. Paper champion, Plant get hurt. Oh, I mean, “REALLY HURT”. Let me play out, or draw you fairies🧚oops! Sorry. I meant, fan boys. 😏
      And heaters.🤬 the actual, and final act, Plant will play in front of the whole world 🌎.
      He will get hit so hard, like he’s never been hit before. And doesn’t want to get hit like that ever again. But than comes the one, that he’s really been setting up.
      Your still with me, 🧚🤬. Your, Plant. Will be in one of three positions. (1) Rolling all over the canvas, in horrible pain. (2) On the canvas, on all four, looking up at the one and only, true undisputed “CHAMPION”.
      Or, taking nap😴. What happened? 🤪
      SO, HERE’S TO YOUR,🧚🤬.
      This will be you’re.

      And this is us, 😀😁😆😂🤩😝🥳😎🤠🤣😝💕Loving every minute of it 😂😜

    • The wba is Venezuelan based in Panama, not MEX in any way, shape, or form. Canelo wants to punish Plant for his remark about his mother, note, he said, say whatever you want about him, just nothing about his mum.

  16. Cannello will knock him out first round that’s how much faith got in the Mexican boxer 1 tough dude

    • Plant or what ever your name is ,” your going to get your ass beat down fool

    • Canelo never fought anybody like this guy before and the one who mastered this style was Floyd Mayweather Canelo got beat up. This guy is quick and got a chin major upset I like Canelo hes a true champion but hes running from GGG dont blame his GGG will fight Plant nxt and take All his belts back.

    • Plant doesnt really know what he getting himself into… Canelo will win this fight. Plant never fought with someone with that tpy of caliber… So he need to be prepare and get ready for an ass whipping…. Go canelo

  17. Nothing biased about this piece. They monkeyed Plant’s jumping on Canelo’s English skills?

    That’s the only thing that Plant can win at. English. Versus a non-native speaker. He should be proud. But he’s going to need the ref to save his ass, if he doesn’t get dropped that night.

    • Plant going to knock this racist Mexican out in the 2nd round he never fought a guy this fast and accurate before watch I’m calling it.

  18. Caleb Plant is a B fighter besting D level fighters…Going up against The Level A fighter pound for pound champion of the world!
    Canelo clearly said “I would never fight Plant bcus he isn’t very good only reason this fight is happening is bcus he has my belt”

    • Camelot Alvarez is white just like Caleb plant!!! But plant is an American and Americans always win !!!

  19. I’m going with Saul Canelo Alvarez on this one. Caleb looks and sounds scared. Canelo will tune Plant up for a few rounds, then TKO. Caleb needs a lesson in being a gentleman, and having some class. Alvarez is going to teach him that lesson. ” A fool’s mouth invites a beating, and bruises are his lot.” Proverbs of King Solomon.

  20. Yup folks plant is broke and need some money 💰 all trailer trash talk no reputation to put on the Line but his broke ass he going to the bank with a busted eye and ribs 😱 saying we’re is my money 😩the only belt he’s going to have is the one he’s has on his pants 🤭kick his ass canelo viva la raza ✊💪

  21. Plant you lil boy. Canelo grow up on the streets of Mexico, 9-10years old selling ice cream. Our city streets don’t compare. And believes you insulted his mother that word M.F. even when he used it was and is too instigate a fist-fight! Even if you win you lose ,Another thing you should have noticed that his people had scorpion tattoos and it’s not cause they like bugs, remember they kidnapped his brother IN Mexico and he got h back!

    • Canelo is a good fighter Mexican trying to fight like a African American we all know this Plant is a natural poor white trash fighter like brothers from the streets in the hood America. Hes going to rock the Mexican with white ghetto street fighting 3rd round Canelo quit before knock out. NO MAS NO MAS PART2

  22. Name of the game…”Hit & don’t get hit, stick n’ move, box & don’t be boxed-in,” not just cliche but truths of the sport. Plant is a smart boxer w/agile feet & good hand speed. He will frustrate Canelo all night long w/his piston like jab, movement and well placed power punches, making Canelo miss & be off balance & exposed – an area where Plant will take advantage of. Plant will have to put in a masterful performance and be able to endure some ferocious shots from a desperate champion who’s about to lose his reign as pfp king towards the latter rounds but @the end of this intriguing fight, it will be both Canelo & Plants hands raised but only Plant with all the belts draped over his shoulder.

    • Yeah you said it … hit and dont get hit …. that didn’t really worked well for plant … he hit and got countered twice… he goes in there with that defense he’s gonna get KO

    • WTF… You smoking there maggot. You sound like you reading a ferry tail or you musta fallen and you suffering brain injury

    • Plant has a great jab. So did Junior Jones and he was knocked out by John Michael Johnson. Meldrick Taylor had super fast hands yet took a beating and eventually knocked out by JC Chavez. Sharmba Mitchell and Zab Judah were fast, mobile and had some power. Yet were knocked out by a methodical and hard hitting Kostya Tszyu. I think Plant is skilled and respect his confidence. Why be a fighter if you don’t believe you can win when you step in the ring?

      I’m an unapologetic Canelo fan and believe he will win. As mentioned before, Plant is skilled, confident and has something to prove. I feel that a lack of experience and very weak competition will be to his detriment. You never know. We’ll see in a few weeks.

      Also, all of the racist remarks are unnecessary. We’re all fans of this awesome sport. Everyone has differing opinions. Let’s be adults and agree to disagree. Here’s wishing all of you a great day and let’s hope for a fight worth our hard earned money. Because each one of those guys is earning more in this fight than anyone of us will in a lifetime.

  23. Plant you lil boy, believe in himself are you getting man. Canelos from the streets of Mexico selling ice cream. At 9and 10 years old, no matter what ,he believes you insulted his mother. He’s really not thinking about the title belts. And you should have noticed the scorpion tattoos his people had, those are not cause they like bugs!

  24. Caleb talks too much. Canelo has way more experience, more power, his defense is ridiculous. He has an iron chin, Plant is going to get KOd by an uppercut following a body shot.

  25. Plant runs his mouth with that nasal talk! After Nov 6 that will be all gone canelo is going to punish this pitty pat fighter !! Plants speed will look average when he gets that to use that ! Canelo will have more head movement then plant will expect and I think canelo is going southpaw to confuse plant he’s been working on it in the gym a buddie of mine told me when he seen him in the gym in San Diego Calif it’s not going to be easy as plant thinks.

  26. Canelo didnt. spend three years getting the other three belts he got them all within this last year alone starting with callum smith…Plant has been saying that he was to be undisputed but hes never even unified once? He actually is just going in there to hand his belt over and pick up a check…And dont eben let me get started with the resumes g…Plant is all CAP no pun intended…

  27. Another one sided write up. It was a waste of time thinking anything useful was in this piece. It’s hearsay over analysis, and it skews heavy for Plant while discrediting Alvarez. Is balance hard? Is analysis impossible? If so stop wasting yours and everyone’s time with gossip girl writing.

  28. Canelo didn’t lose his temper, i feel like Canelo only needed an excuse to test Plant and slap him around a little bit

    • I believe you are correct what actually transpired that day was Canelo planting that little seed in plants brain and that is where plants coming up with all this crazy talk about being a Champ I feel for plant because when there’s a battle going on within your self it’s sort of hard to defend yourself that poor little boy just wishes he could call it all off but he can’t

    • It’s merely an intimidating tactic. Canelo has fought some serious dudes to get where he’s at, champion. He who talks too much is covering up his fear. Canelo knows exactly what to do on Nov. 6. Canelo is a very powerful and skillfull boxer, the world has seen it first hand. Si no me lo crees, buscalo en YouTube. Sit back and enjoy the show!

    • They are both going in with 110% readiness for this fight.
      The answer is going to be who really is the better fighter that day. What style, skills, speed, quickness and power is going to overwhelm who. If I had money to lose, I would put it on Plant. He might win. His confidence is he is going to win. But my heart is with the Mexican.

    • It’s going to be a split decision. Canalo wins so they can have a rematch and make More money hello people

  29. Caleb plant is going to come out strong, using his jab to attempt to keep his distance and outbox his opponent, canelo will make plant miss and counterpunch. By round 3 Caleb will just be running and holding, afraid of the counterpunch and will become purely defensive. Canelo by round 4 will take over the match picking plant apart, pruning him. Round 5 canelo delivers a devestating liver shot that send plant to the canvass.

  30. just wait for the bell to ring and the first punch plants gets he.s going to start Running like crazy fill sorry this may be plant.s last fight you be a disable.person

  31. I’m 100% sure Plant will be KO I just pray he will survive remember keep focus cause is going to get ugly in the ring your fighting a talent hard hitting fighter your not in his level yet ! Best of luck to you Plant cause I know Canelo has a plan for you and you piss off a ranging bull ! You will not enjoy a victory but hey your getting 10 million that your not worth as a fighter 😉

  32. Plant Canelo has fought your style of a fighter, your height as a fighter and your weight as a fighter only person that canelo hasn’t done was fought a fighter that runs is mouthed much as MTM and you ain’t him no matter how much you think you are. The outcome is going to be the same you will lose too Canelo.

    • And he lost to Floyd Mayweather with that style, if Plant stays composed and throws consistently, uses his distance, he can get the W, all respect to canelo but if he goes into this fight as visibly upset as he’s appeared that can be a costly mistake.

    • Didn’t he lose to Mayweather? Triple G fight was very questionable. Canelo chooses his fights to his advantage. He’s not that good.

  33. Canelo is going to put a ass beating on plant plant has no idea what he’s up against its going to be like a teacher teaching a kid in preschool canelo has forgot more about boxing than plant well ever know plant better bring his crying towel because he’s going to definitly need it at the end of the fight

  34. Most Mexican fighters do their talking with their hands not their mouths, go canelo shut his mouth on fight day, a Mexican fighters fan in boton

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