Canelo vs. Plant: The First 6 Rounds Will Tell A Story

By Chris Carlson - 11/04/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 11/05/2021

2 thoughts on “Canelo vs. Plant: The First 6 Rounds Will Tell A Story”

  1. First 3. If Plant comes out and back pedals, sliding along the ropes, flicking a jab out, or throw a combination out in response to Canelo coming at you throwing, this fight is over, boring, and an easy decision W for Canelo. Judges will not reward a fighter that way versus Canelo and the revenue he brings with each fight. EVEN if Plant was effective in that strategy, judges will landslide rounds to Canelo all night long. The ONLY way you beat Canelo is you back him up every round, throw 3, 4, 5 punches to Canelo’s 1 or 2, and you beat him down, wear him down and empty his tank. Believe it or not, just the same way Buster Douglas relentlessly threw and backed up Mike Tyson. Or the same way Maidana came at and beat up Floyd Junior in their first fight (Maidana won that fight). You have to show up and be more man than Canelo. Getting cute, dancing or back pedaling gets you a nice direct deposit at the bank, but gets you know win, and nobody will talk about you again.

  2. So, Canelo cheats by using steroids, that was proven, and the judges cheat to favor him, also proven, and yet you still think he’s great…? Whether you give Plant a shot or not, he is a class act that came from nothing, works hard doesn’t cheat and believed in himself. I give him 100% respect, and hope he heard the cheater.

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