De La Hoya Says He Beat Mayweather In 2007: That’s His Motivation (For Taking A Rematch)

By James Slater - 06/25/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 06/26/2021

12 thoughts on “De La Hoya Says He Beat Mayweather In 2007: That’s His Motivation (For Taking A Rematch)”

  1. The judges arent corrupt and never get it wrong…thats what you are saying when u say judges said mayweather won..lets be real Mayweather didnt beat the could have gone either way

    • Mayweather says Oscar didn’t connect . That’s true Oscar didn’t connect 65 % of his punches. Mayweather didn’t connect 90 % of his unless your counting Mayweather hitting Oscar’s gloves. Mayweather is great at punching Oscar’s gloves,Oscar unloaded a ton of body damage on Mayweathers abdomen. Oscar rocked him a few times ,Mayweather ran the entire fight.

  2. Dear Oscar, you are 48 years old. You have a net worth of 200 million why get back in the ring again. Stop with the false hoods. You lost to a better man. He was the better man the 3 judges ruled in his favor. Stop complaining about the past. Move on with your promotional company.

  3. Lol, everyone forgets, Mayweather’s a wife beater!! And that’s nothing to be proud of!!

    • You sound sour…. Just like Oscar. Three Judges appointed by the Nevada State Athletic Commission ruled in favor of Mayweather, end of story.

  4. Look floyd mayweather Jr would had beat sugar ray leonard , look what his dad did to sugar. And the ref was helping sugar. Ray was hitting below the belt too. No de la Hoya you will not ever beat Floyd. You did not beat him the first time.

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