Deontay Wilder’s trainer sees trilogy fight delay as a positive

By Michael Collins - 07/26/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 07/26/2021

28 thoughts on “Deontay Wilder’s trainer sees trilogy fight delay as a positive”

  1. Calm and relaxed is the key . If you lose composure and the temper it diminishes your power .

  2. Deontay Wilders legacy is cemented already and further legendary unfolding can only be postponed.

    • Malik and Deontay Wilder have demonstrated calmness during all of these endless antic’s designed to sap your resolve , focus and energy during the summer solstice .

  3. The WBC belt hasn’t been defended in two years and the WBC belt will not be defended until us white’s want to , ” if ” we want to no matter what you or your screwy courts order .
    It’s a white man’s world .

  4. Yeah ,fury has quit boxing. He would rather get sued for breach of contact than get permanently disabled .

  5. Fury was on steroids for the second fight. He claims that he ate meat that had steroids. Fury didn’t beat Wilder on the first fight. It was clearly a draw.
    Fury be chicken!

    • The phoney Shrek look a like ogre has been on steroids and cocaine during all his fights and has glove tampered in most fights as well . Otto Vallin dotted his eye and cross his t because he underestimated Ofto and came into the fight with padded gloves .

    • Yes , steroids and cocaine bribery glove tampering , this is why fury was banned from ever fighting in the UK again .

    • Deontay Wilder was robbed in the first fight . That’s why fury is afraid of Deontay Wilder . Deontay Wilder knocked down and the out cold everyone put in front of him even this wild boar testicle eating, cranked up lunatic , escape from a mental institution ogre .
      Run cockroach run .

  6. His big goofy jackA– will be in A, mega humongous, gargantuan law suite of unprecedented proportions ,him and his entire team and networks,if he bails on October 9th let him try it the powers that be are prepared for this snakes slitherings.

    • Ha ha ha ha ha ha . Deontay Wilder is one scary boxer , fury is afraid of being beat into an imbecilic idiotic moron , disfigured and speachless for the rest of his life .

  7. I agree but I also think the simple fact is this, he isn’t scared of fury. Fury might not be scared of him but when it comes to actions he clearly shows a hesitant reaction no matter what which makes you believe that he is plotting something in the end. And if you don’t see it something is wrong. Heck, I think Fury had a great last fight but I don’t see him winning this time. The BAMA BEAST is gonna walk away with the strap. He has nothing to lose and comes into the fight with a chip on his shoulder while in the other corner Fury comes into the fight with everything to lose and no pressure which will mess him up in the end. And also, being big headed and cocky isn’t helping his own cause🤣

    • No Phil , we won’t see in October , you don’t have eyes to see now , you didn’t see anything all along and you won’t see in October .

  8. We will see in October. If Wilder gets beat then all the silly things he s said are eqvilent to Trump’s conspiracy theory s.

    • Wilder is an arrogant dick he could accept he got beat byba guy was out boxing him the first fight then when he basically shut him off in the last round the got up and beat him for the rest of the last round setting the for the rematch go forward , be aggressive , use you size and tire him out , then stop him , remember fury got knocked down twice in the first fight, the second knockdown he look dead but he rose up and won the rest of that round by backing wilder up and that set the tone for the rematch where fury totally destroyed wilder from round one and when fury knocked him down the second time he didn’t get up and have his head well so it was a good call by the referee to stop the fight then wilder made all theses crazy excuses including tarnishing the reputation of one of the most honorable men in boxing mark Breland, that guy wilder make me sick i hope he gets slept in the first round in the trilogy, hell he could not even ko internet troll extraordinaire Charlie zelenoff 🤣😁

    • Imbecilic low IQ morons . Ha ha ha ha ha ha , it was fear that compelled the fury’s to sprint for the nearest exit, holding on to their hats and crying last me the little baby boys they are , waaaaaa mommy ” waaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaaa mommy , mommy I don’t wanna fight Deontay Wilder waaaaaa .waaaaaa .”

    • After fury quits boxing for good , retire like I ordered him to do months ago , then the whole boxing world can go back to avoiding the best heavyweight champion ever living or nonliving , Deontay Wilder .

    • Theorem not theory , these guys are all on film and no one is brave enough to prosecute and hold the.criminals accountable . So the public suffers for lack of strength .

    • Deontay Wilder is not arrogant that’s my job . Deontay Wilder is confident , so confident that you critics criticize critically publicly but in private you are absolutely terrified horrifically shamelessly plotting to cheat again . You must because fury can’t fight, he can’t box so he must gather volunteers to help cheat again and again and again .

    • No Mark , I have the biggest balls in the business , you are afraid to admit fury can’t box or fight . That’s why he cheats

  9. You guys are so biased towards Wilder it makes your reporting 3rd rate nonsense. You’re just a regular testicle Tarzan.

    • Hey Mark , ha ha ha ha ha ha ha . I told you so . Cowardly phoney baloney belt holder may have caught the covit one day before the fight , more than likely he was suffering from menstrual cramps . Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .

  10. Yes I believe that the October 9th fight between Fury and Wilder will not take place as I believe Fury will either vacate or retire

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