It seems an almost every day occurrence nowadays that fighters, or members of a fighter’s team, get involved in some sort of crazy trouble at either a press conference or a weigh-in. Just yesterday, all-round hothead Angel Garcia once again lost it completely when attending a pre-fight presser.
It was supposed to be the Keith Thurman and Danny Garcia show as their big March unification fight was officially announced. Instead, in an attempt to hog the limelight according to Thurman, Danny’s dad went nuts, even trying to get in Thurman’s face and do God knows what. Angel’s viciously offensive verbal outburst also shocked and there will now be an investigation by the WBC.
Over in the UK, rival heavyweights David Haye and Tony Bellew – who got into a physical altercation at the recent presser to announce their March fight; with Haye slinging a left hook at his rival – have been warned by The BBB of C ahead of their planned “The Gloves Are Off” show on Sky Sports, to behave themselves.
Both fighters have been warned in no uncertain terms how they could very well lose their boxing license if they get into anything unacceptable when they next come face to face. It’s perhaps about time stronger penalties were introduced for fighters, or in Angel Garcia’s case, a fighter’s father, who act so totally unprofessionally when the eyes of millions are on them.
Boxing has had its share of black eyes, maybe too many. It’s time disgusting behaviour the kind of which Garcia Senior displayed yesterday is brought to an end for good; and for the good of the sport. Great fights like Thurman-Garcia and, to an extent, Haye-Bellew, sell themselves. We need no more crazy outbursts and/or displays of unsanctioned violence.
At least Thurman and Garcia the fighter – you know, the man who should be shown a fine example by his father – remained cool and calm, showing class yesterday. Angel, once again, disgraced himself and the sport he earns his living from. Enough is enough.