Final Glory Unveiled Part 3 of 4: Mayweather, Supreme Greatness

By Phenyo Molefe - 05/02/2015 - Comments


A man of strong opinion, markets himself as the best ever. Polarising the public even his own fans into great disagreement. His detractors do not dislike him, they hate him. There is no neutrality when it comes to Floyd “Money” Mayweather. His lifestyle, success and self-promotion have bred a contingent of admirers and critics. Attention has been diverted from his exploits in the ring to denunciations outside of the ring. He is no angel, nor is he in the running for a Nobel Peace Prize but he is human. There are moments which have cast dark clouds on his reputation but have never soiled his ability and achievements in the ring.

It matters not what Mayweather portrays if you believe that he spends all his time in Vegas dishing out “stimulus packages” across strip clubs then you have been conned. He is a man raised into the greatness of boxing through the efforts of the Mayweathers. He commands his talent with such seeming ease often casting a shroud over his dedication to his craft.

Corruption in Olympic amateur boxing robbed him of gold at the 1996 Olympic Games. Humble in the face of corruption and disappointment, the young Mayweather would not be tarnished by boxing’s hidden blemishes. He rose to destined greatness and intensified his tone of self-promotion in the lead up to his triumph over Oscar De La Hoya. His rising fame and newly adopted persona offended many yet it continued to draw interest.

Breaking Box Office records became a feat common to his exploits, he cannot be challenged, he generates revenue every time he graces the ring. It has afforded him a life style that some of Wall Street’s greatest minds could only dream of, a lifestyle far removed from his fans and his own beginnings. We must admit he did his homework and continues to write pages in his phenomenal rise.

His choice of opponents has been questioned by many; they place their champions before him predicting his demise. De La Hoya, Hatton, Marquez, Mosely, Cotto, Alvarez, Maidana. Yet every time he has adjusted and left decorated fighters questioning their presence in the sport of boxing. Even temporary retirement and jail time served would not ruin his supreme skills.

There is a name that has championed far louder than any other. A name that has pulverised the boxing world, unassuming yet fatal in execution. Be not mistaken Manny Pacquiao is a killer; his dynamic flurries have been cited as Floyd’s demise. This fight has been demanded for years and yet again some have claimed that Mayweather has been running scared. He has shouldered the blame on endless occasion for failing to make this bout happen.
Mayweather has been quieter than usual, preparing for what he knows is his greatest test. He will forever be measured by his performance tonight and not merely the undefeated 47-0 record he boasts. He will be spurred to engage in a manner not seen before.

Apparently he has been cornered by the demands of Showtime’s powers and the public’s wailing hunger. Tonight those cries are set to be satisfied, supreme greatness will answer.

Twitter: @phenmolefe

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Last Updated on 05/02/2015