Floyd Mayweather: “There Will Never Be A Fighter Better Than Me, Never!”

By James Slater - 08/20/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 08/20/2021

34 thoughts on “Floyd Mayweather: “There Will Never Be A Fighter Better Than Me, Never!””

  1. Rocky Marciano 49 wins 43 knockouts never lost a fight the only undefeated heavyweight boxer ever.

  2. Very surprised nobody mentioned the fighter who is definitely the greatest of all time and that is Rocky Marciano.

  3. Floyd was a very good fighter but no fun to watch because he had no knockout power! If you’re a fan of watching pure boxing including defensive skills then you would enjoy Floyd. If you’re the average fan that wants to see knockouts then Floyd was almost boring to watch! Greatest of all time? I don’t think so!

  4. He is 47-2. Lost to Castillo and Maidana. The last clown fight doesn,’t count. He avoided Pacquiao, when he was beating bigger guys to pulp.

    • FOH Floyd shut out Marquez who later fought Manny and Knocked Him Out Cold!! He didn’t lose to Castillo and he didn’t lose to Maidana, they were just the only close fights he fought! He dominated both of them in rematch so take ya bs somewhere else. Floyd beat 24 world champions, 10 hall of fame level fighters and 26-0 in world titles fights, 20 years world champion, the highest connect percentage in boxing history, 5 weight division champion and earned a billion dollars with the 3 highest viewed fights in history! Beat Canelo, DelHoya (who knocked out Chavez twice), knocked out Diego Corrales,shut out Marquez,shut out Mosley (who dominated Margarito right before), Cotto, knocked out Hernadez, knocked out Hatton, knocked out Gatti, beat Judah, knocked out Manfredy, knocked out N’Duo, shut out Guerrero, knocked out Ortiz, beat Maidana twice, beat Castillo twice, and the list goes on!!! Quit hating

  5. If you have losses it’s no way that you can be the greatest. Floyd has none plus he beat champion after champion. People forget Pretty Boy Floyd was a beast. Nobody wanted to fight him. When he became Money, everybody was like I’ll take that ass whooping for the biggest payday of my career. Knowing they were gonna lose. If that ain’t greatness, what is ?

    • He’s certainly the biggest ducker in boxing, that’s apparent. His all time boxing record is 138-8, while Ali’s is 156-10. Ali fought in the golden era of boxing, where the all time greatest sweeper Joe Frazier hailed from, where both the consecutive hardest hitters George foreman and Ernie shavers hailed from, and he’s fought more hall of famers than Floyd Mayweather Jr. P4P all time great is still considered Sugar Ray Robinson, and he’s my personal number 2. Willie pep and Joe Louis are also certainly far and ahead of Floyd. Lossing doesn’t mean you’re not the greatest, actually fighting everyone around that could pose a threat to you while you’re the champ does though.

  6. Sounds like a bunch of haters who forgotten to take their meds . Wishing they could fit in MONEY SHOES. Their record would be1 -49 that 1 was sparing.

  7. I like Ali, Leonard and Hearns but they never beat 16 world champions. In his 30’s, Mayweather was still beating world champions. In their 30’s, Ali was beaten by Spinks, Leonard was knocked out by Camacho and Terry Norris. Hearns was almost killed by The Blade and Duran was knocked unconscious by Hearns. Great as Sugar Ray Robinson was, he lost 19 fights. Mayweather by a landslide.

  8. He is definitely top 5 greatest to ever step in the ring…stats don’t lie!he had world class boxers looking like amateurs…

  9. Everything is based on interpretation . Mayweather can be a top ten GOAT easy burn it looks better when you are not self proclaimed . I got Robinson, Ray Leonard, Ali, Manny, Chavez on my Mount Rushmore. Now my fav fighters go down as Leonard, Holyfield , Whittaker, Mosley, Calzaghe, Ward, Camacho, Jones

  10. He definitely is one of the greatest fighters rather u like him or not as far as skilled no one comes close as far as defensive skilled. I say he definitely is one of the greatest fighters and for sure the greatest at making money for being a boxer he changed the entire sport. He made it worse in some ways for the fans but better for the fighter in many ways.

  11. Floyd s late circus fights damaged his legacy ….and will likely be remembered as the circus clown

  12. A slick defensive fighter who avoided dangerous matches, very good, but nowhere near great

  13. So you telling me the man how to be beat to be the best like he said he beat 16 Hall of Fame so what else do you have to prove to anybody this hi 63 years old he is best I seei

    • No way Ali is the best all the hell that blackman had to face and still whip ass . Floyd have it good after the fight he eating steak on hos ship no problem with the USA spying on him

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