Foreman Vs. Tyson In The 1990s: Arum Says He Thinks “Big George” Would Have “Hit Down On Tyson And Knocked Him Out”

By James Slater - 12/03/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 12/03/2021

4 thoughts on “Foreman Vs. Tyson In The 1990s: Arum Says He Thinks “Big George” Would Have “Hit Down On Tyson And Knocked Him Out””

  1. Mike Tyson was a skill based diricitive mindset fighter and for a small heavyweight had enough skill to possibly defeat Foreman. Skill, conditioning, speed and furosity could turn the table on big George Foreman.

  2. Canelo, fury and Bob arum should retire. Simply leave boxing . You have caused enough damage and painfully losses to people and to boxing with your cheating.

  3. George Foreman, now there’s a real example of how a man can transform himself into an honorable champion. You would never catch him cheating. A true self made man of respect.

  4. Bob arum was there linked to the Antonio margarito vs Miguel Cotto plaster of Paris scandal involving the loaded gloves, guess who was the referee, Kenny Bayless, yes Bob arum and Kenny Bayless were linked to the legendary great champion Deontay Wilder vs fury famous glove tampering glove loading. These guys are doing the same thing over and over again.

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