Yesterday, a bizarre message/rant appeared on social media. Courtesy of Marsellos Wilder, brother of former WBC heavyweight champ Deontay Wilder, the message reads as follows:
“It was discovered by doctors that my brother has a dent in the side of his head due to a blunt object struck against his head from the last fight. No glove or fist was able to cause the damage according to the autopsy.”
Now, fans who have read the message have been quit to ridicule it – not least because of the suggestion that Deontay was given an autopsy! He is, last we all checked, still alive and well. But Fury – who previously had to listen to conspiracy theories that claimed his hands were not correctly placed inside his gloves during the fight – has now taken the time to respond to Marsellos’ claim.
An angry yet at the same time incredulous Fury spoke on a short video, in which he said the following:
“This is just a quick video to address all this foul-play talk from Deontay Wilder and his team,” Fury began. “I’ve just read an article saying I might have had some blunt objects in my gloves……yeah! Two big 19-stone, 275-pound destroyers in each glove. So, yeah, getting punched in the temple may do that to you. Not unless Deontay Wilder’s own trainer, Jay Deas, was in on the conspiracy as well. Along with all the Las Vegas Commission guys who never left the room.
“Jay Deas was in the room while I had my hands wrapped. He examined them, he was in there when I had my gloves put on, [he] examined them. Everybody else was in the room, they don’t leave you, we know all this. So everybody citing foul play…..bullshit. And the next time, I’ll put a dent in his boxing career – end it – because it’ll be two knockout losses in a row, bye bye forever.”
It really is alarming how Wilder – if not personally, but certain members of his team as well as his supporters – has made up so many excuses for the complete hammering he took back in February in Vegas. Has Wilder lost the plot, the former champ simply unable to accept the fact that he lost to the better man on the night? It sure looks like it. On a scale of one to 10, Marsellos’ claim has a big fat zero next to it when it comes to the credibility or it being at all believable.
As Fury says, his gloves, his hands, were fully and thoroughly examined and kept watch over at all times. It would be interesting to see photo proof of this “dent” in Wilder’s head. Also, who is the doctor who performed the “autopsy?”
File this one under B for Bizarre.