Happy Birthday Earnie Shavers – “The Puncher Of The Century” Turns 77

By James Slater - 08/31/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 08/31/2021

23 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Earnie Shavers – “The Puncher Of The Century” Turns 77”

  1. If you ever saw the Earnie Shavers/Ron Lyle fight, you saw one of the best, if not the best, heavyweight match of all time. They were simply amazing if not super human. Earnie Shavers, you left your mark in history.

    • I know Larry Holmes and I know honey shaffers talking to her in the Schaefer one day he told me to tell Larry he still feel that kidney shot and I told me to tell Ernie he still feel that headshot off of good fighters

  2. As a young man I had the opportunity to meet and take a picture with Ernie in my hometown of Massillon, Ohio at the Massillon Youth Center.
    Boy did we enjoy him training and after that he took pictures with us.
    Happy Birthday and thank you the memories on a warm summer day!
    Marion V Perkins

  3. Happy Birthday,Mr.Shavers.I enjoyed watching you fight,back in the golden age of boxing.You were a banger,and a fine sportsman.

    • Earnie wasn’t trained right for a long time. When was he did well. He was ducked by a few. Frazer and Foreman wanted no part of him. And he never really got good chances until in his 30s. His left hook was underestimated. Lyle, Smith and Norton felt it immensely. Happy Birthday Earnie. Keep on punching.

  4. I’ve had many favorites in many classes-Duran,Argeulo,Hauler. But none I wanted to see be Champ more than Ernie.
    My brother drove(30 miles) to see the fight and pulled in at the bell; it was over before he made the front door.
    I never worried if Ernie gave his all; that was for his poor opponent to do!
    Class act; no showboating crap like we see today. Didn’t need to; he had the hammer!

  5. It’s an honor to wish you a Happy Birthday and thankyou for the great fights we still enjoy today.

  6. Money shavers and one hell of a right hand I think he dropped holmes didn’t he so his champion for about 7 seconds then

    • Hi Mr Shavers…”Happy Birthday “…..I’m 12 years behind you…so I was a kid approaching teen years…..I watched all the big fights during boxing’s golden years…..You are the best…..you wanted to fight ALL the best…but…ALL didn’t want to fight You……….You Are a True “World Champion”….

  7. Shaver’s fight v Ali should have been Ali’s last. But closing the show on a high note, gave Ali a reason to keep fighting. He took way too many punches after that. Ali had a big payroll, and didn’t want to lay people off. As big a punch Ali had, his heart was bigger.

  8. Happy Birthday Mr Shavers, I remember as a teenager seeing you with your manager Dean Chance at the Red Pepper Steak house, where they held matches in the back.

  9. Thank you Mr. Shavers for all your hard work and inspiration you provided to those who had the privilege of seeing you work. Happy Healthy Birthday

  10. One of the great boxers in that time . Punching power was of the change back than.Happy bday

  11. Ernie Shavers was one of the nicest guys you’d ever meet. Also ranked along side Mike Tyson and George Foreman as the three hardest punchers boxing ever had.

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