Lennox Lewis On Wilder’s Chances Against Fury: There’s A Lurking Danger There

By James Slater - 10/09/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 10/09/2021

2 thoughts on “Lennox Lewis On Wilder’s Chances Against Fury: There’s A Lurking Danger There”

  1. The Nevada State Athletic Commission approved old gloves with no padding again despite Deontay Wilders teams objections. Deontay Wilder had padding in his gloves and fury didn’t again, he was bare knuckle again.

  2. The Nevada State Athletic Commission and the WBC and the network owners that have fury under contract want a good white fighter who’s markets ocean be developed. They enable furies antic’s of wrecklessnes . They knew fury was fighting with metal loaded gloves padding repositioning advantage floppy gloves flopping around all over the place camera’s rolling bribed judges and referee’s spiked water holding neck wrenching tripping rabbit punching and such. Not even an investigation.

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