Manny Pacquiao vs Errol Spence Jr. What Would A Win Or A Loss Do For Their Legacies?

By Rich Lopez - 07/23/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 07/23/2021

2 thoughts on “Manny Pacquiao vs Errol Spence Jr. What Would A Win Or A Loss Do For Their Legacies?”

  1. There is no Doubt in my mind ..based on the way Errol fights…that this makes things easier for Manny…the Traps won’t be hard to implement…Errol is a Welcoming VICTIM….as Vulnerable as he was to driving Under the influence. This will be the Tale of the tape.

  2. Irregardless of W/L record, or who made the most money, I find Pacquiao’s career more credibly than Floyd Jr’s. Manny didn’t make guys wait years to fight a big name after they’d endured too many wars, or fought past their prime, like Junior did. Manny fought Margarito at 154 who probably weighed 170 on fight night. He fought Barrera, Marquez, Bradley, and Morales multiple times in their prime. At 39/40 yrs old he drops Thurman, and schooled him for 12 rounds. No matter how Pacquiao-Spence turns out, Manny’s legacy is golden. Manny would have fit well in the Golden Era of legends alongside Hagler, Leonard, Hearns, Duran, Benitez, Pryor, Arguello, Salvador Sanchez, because win, lose or draw, Manny would climb in the ring with any of them. THAT’s credible. Junior would have NEVER climbed in the ring with those Legends. Junior strategically picked his career steps to keeping his zero intact, and made the most money, as so many bought his fights hoping to see him get beat; not because he was dominate or a knockout artist or took the biggest risks. Manny Pacquiao was that guy.

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