Mayweather to keep Tank Davis’ fights in-house, ‘Won’t make another company great’

By Rob Smith - 06/27/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 06/27/2021

117 thoughts on “Mayweather to keep Tank Davis’ fights in-house, ‘Won’t make another company great’”

  1. I stand with Floyd Mayweather and what hes doing to promote Davis.
    Everyone knows that Floyd Mayweather and Company will make but loads of money.
    And will make Gavante Davis a very rich man.
    I am so proud of you Floyd Mayweather, keep up the good work.
    Black Power!!✊🏾✊🏿

  2. Look I have tried to read as many of the comments as I possibly could and can’t believe some of the things that’s being said. If you follow boxing and are truly a boxing fan, then you have to really understand the business. Because at the end of the day that’s what it is. Tank is young and still has a lot to learn, but he’s not dumb. So please don’t think that he doesn’t have a say so on how his boxing career goes. He found a mentor with Mayweather a man that has been in this business for a long time and knows how to play their game. And just like Mayweather said why make another person’s company BIG!!! And as soon as you are defeated they want to do away with you. Tank is making MONEY!!! PAY-PER-VIEW FIGHTS!! And their are other very talented fighters like Terrence Crawford that’s fighting for beans and have not been given even a chance for a WORLD TITLE belt with some of the best, because of who he is signed with. At lease Tank is getting cashed out. So NO!! To say that Mayweather is a Cancer to boxing is not right. He is the solution to boxing if you want to make MONEY!! See it’s a dirty business, but you have to know the business to understand the business. And if by any chance things change with there business relationship then guess what you make the necessary adjustments and move forward. But I feel that Tank is alot smarter than people would like to think!! See he has his trainer that has been there for him since he was a kid/his mother/brother and other family that is going to help him with making the right decision for his career. I’m a 💯 percent BOXING FAN to the heart!!!

    • 💯💯 well said sir. Although I want to see those fights badly staying in house for a period of time is a good way to build up anticipation for those huge fights in other divisions. My only fear is if money Mays ego will be bad for tank in some fashion or another 🤷

    • you’re so wrong about the career name attitude: He’s making money, but his career in fighting the best, is definitely limited..

  3. Nothing brings the rage like an empowered black man. You go Floyd 😃 p.s. And yes it almost Always comes down to race.

  4. You’re all idiots to be blinded by this fool. A wanna be Don King all of a sudden. Tank is stupid not to think that Mayweather is out for himself. Save your money and don’t watch none his fights because you already know the “fix” is in , if its going to be in house. It’ll probably be scripted like wrestling . Omg yall really can’t be that stupid .. can ya ?

    • Please stop with this people this has been going on for sometime Bob Arum has been doing this for a long time nothing new ask Tim Bradley how many times he fought pac? He got paid good for those fights he was able to retire. He even has the nerve to not tell the truth about himself but is talking about other fighter. My point is show the history of how all the promotion company do this. Don’t single out one company. That make you part of the problem not the solution.

    • What race has to do with fighting the best competition, that’s crazy how is racism a part of this

  5. I find it funny that people say Mayweather is a cancer to boxing how he ducked and cherry picked lol how you duck and cherry pick but hold the record for most champions ever defeated by one man i would respect alot more of you boxing fans if you just said you didn’t like him as a man and left it at that actually Mayweather is doing nothing any different from any major corp. Wipe out the competition then take over the market plain and simple besides look at how arum lowball Shawn porter to fight crawford 1 million after just coming of a loss to spence lol that was a a joke but Mayweather a cancer SMH casual fans

  6. You know. The article wouldn’t have been bad had you not slighted Barrios and tried to diminish Davis’s win by acting as if Barrios wasn’t a legit 140 pound fighter with a legit resume. Using buzz words like Paper Champ, Un known, hard to sale ect ect…. Only show bias. Using it once would be good. But it was overkill to try and drive home a point that no boxing expert ( so called) ever said pre fight. But you have a buzz. Maybe that was your intent. Good luck with your career kid. Just do better.

    • Yes..I just don’t understand why they have ppl that doesn’t know anything about fighting writes article about their opinions.. we don’t care what you think.. We are here for the show and Tank is already a superstar with the millenniums…

    • Berrios was and will be a champion again. I disagree with the way he is being spoke of here. Very negative. Tank and Mayweather are sending a clear message of empowerment….”You will need US, before we need You” and Tank only needs to fight 1 or 2 of these primere guys to cement his legacy. 3 weight division Champion being guided by the Best Self promoter of ALL TIME. Basically they are saying get numbers up, get your weight up then step up. But for now…SHUT UP!!! I guarantee Tank will draw more in his next two in- house fights, than any combination of those proposed super fights!!! Numbers don’t lie!!

    • So is this guy not right in everything he said Fact not Feelings who knew barrios nobody and look a his resume as a professional horrible so why would you give tank a pass for fighting garbage truck juice fighters every single time I like tank but he needs to leave and go to a real promoter where he will fight Elite fighters not bums

  7. Floyd is a smart business man that understands his industry!! Him and ellerbee got this!!

  8. Why is everyone on here thinks may or may not weather is Right. He done this all his career. Make him self fight lower apposition to make his record better then by the time all the good fight ers are old tank can fight then. Mayweather is Cancer to boxing just like his last fight with Paul.. What a joke.

    • Stop it!!!!!!!Mayweather fought everyone during his career. And was knocking them out when he was pretty boy. Stop the hating lil casual and learn the sports history.

    • Why don’t you jump in the ring with anyone and let’s see what you are made off? Stop talking!
      Mayweather was faced with immersed adversity, became a champion and beat whoever was placed before him. What else you want from him?

    • You big mad. Floyd fought all the top fighter’s when he wanted to, not when you wanted him to fight them! He never ran from anyone, he lined them up and knocked them down. As “Pretty Boy” every boxer that had a name in the sport at the time he beat. And as “Money Mayweather” he beat everyone that came calling. Ur just a HATER

  9. When Mayweather started Mayweather Promotions I said then he would be a cancer to boxing. It’s come to fruition. When all the top guys are fighting each other and tank is on the sideline, Mayweather will be the one who isnt great in the boxing world. Cherry picking is ruining boxing. I feel bad for tank because he is in a generation of several great fighters in his weightdivision. You don’t see this often and he’s got Mayweather playing him safe. The one that loses the most in this is the sport of boxing.

    • I support BLACK Businesses!😀

      Watch OUT Floyd You know how they do when they’re MAD.

    • This article named 5 of the top guys that are NOT fighting each other…so what are you talking about. Crying Ryan was supposed to fight tank….Tank was ready, Ryan was cattin…
      What May is doing is making sure Tank is ALWAYS The A Side fighter with the biggest guarantee purse. It’s the business side of boxing.

    • How is he a cancer, you wouldn’t say that about any other promoter no but you know why.

  10. Floyd has the experience and the finance stick with Floyd because he’s been with you a long time he understands that you still rough around the edges a little bit he knows you need to be disciplined in and out of the ring Floyd is trying to make you the greatest fighter you can be these other guys will be on your side long as you winning the first time you lose a fight they’re going to drop you like a hot potato and move on to the next top rank fighter

    • Floyd will never allow tank to surpass his record or legacy. I see him hindering tanks potential and career.

  11. This is a case of divide and conquer. Don’t listen to this BS Tank. Your not the highest paid lightweight fighter/pay per view star because you listen to these idiots. Its because you listen to Floyd. Keep rolling with Floyd. These idiots are upset that this black guy had the brains to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams with no help from them. They need to put a stop to this. So they are going to downplay and trash talk all of your achievements to make it look like your not a big as you are. Their MAD. Lol.

  12. Racism seeping into boxing now lol

    Stupid sheep, keep drinking your Mainstream Media koolaid lolol

    • This is their divide and conquer tactic. Tank stick with Floyd. I know your bank account is not agreeing with what your hearing from this mainstream post. Your not the highest paid lightweight because your fighting bums and over the hill fighters. Your the highest paid pay per view lightweight star because Floyd did you a great service. They are mad. A black man was smart enough to make you super rich without them. They need to make you look stupid and downplay you at all cost.

    • If you mean on Mayweather and pbc behalf YES . I question why mexican americans and other Hispanic fighters would associate with individuals that think like them.

  13. Tank, stick with Floyd Ok, he’s done great with U. He’s grooming U for true greatness because he knows that U have “THE GIFT” son ! U want to be Great, well U have the greatest in your corner. I’m not on Floyd’s nuts, because it is what it is, he’s proven it both ring wise and business wise ! Stick with him and you’ll have it like he does, “Anything You Want”materially, and accomplished as a fighter. Undefeated !!!!! And CASHED OUT, FOR REAL !!!!!

    • I feel u like floyd said smarter not hard work floyd said not to let his body take a punishment now he get rapping the box world with the kid show against youtubers

    • Smart move ! But you never know who is buzzing into Tanks head. Wonder how Gervonta thinks about the other fighters will most likely be shouting not calling him out??! Well?? How long is the contract with Floyd Mayweather Corporation?? Maybe if not happy Tank buy himself Out. Like Floyd did!!!?

    • I just said that he’s blessed where he at with Mayweather don’t mess up the chemistry if not broke don’t mess with it 🙂💯🙏

    • 🤔Yeah Tank stick with Floyd because he is grooming U to make himself even richer than he already is, yeah Tank stick with Floyd because he is grooming U to fight lesser opponents because he knows that there is a possibility that U could lose to one of the better fighters in your weight class and that would deminish the possibility of him making even more money than he already has, yeah Tank stick with Floyd 😏

  14. Why not Floyd somebody had to pick him up ,and I’m quite sure he can negotiate his contract with Floyd

  15. Don’t fall for Mayweather comments, because he setting everybody up. I seen 3 videos that Mayweather was on with DAZN and Top rank. He was asking for a ryan Garcia and Teo fight, and Teo said Tank haven’t provided anything yet to fight him and Mayweather told him and his team to split the gate 50/50 and Tank will knock him out. Teo said he the A side. Here is the problem. Teo didn’t fight no one until Lemo gave him a shot. I like Teo, but he scared to fight haney and Tank, hell even a rematch with Lemo. Don’t fall for Mayweather comments. You all smarter than that.

    • Top ranks Bob arum said no black fighters The zone no American fighters that are black . So why would Mayweather promotions work with these companies. I wouldn’t and he isn’t enough said.

    • First off, who is Lemon? Second, how can you take words from the horse’s mouth and put new ones in? He said what he said. That’s the PBC Blueprint revealed. Can’t blame Crawford,, they won’t fight outside the cage unless it’s Wilder 🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤣

    • Your wrong. They called everybody out. PBC and Mayweather are the problem. Unfortunately as fight fans in this decade we won’t see the best face The Best. Because it’s all about the illusion, the promotion. How can we fool The public. We all know who the top fighters are. So I say thank you PBC, Top rank and also Al haymon for destroying a sport where at one time all the top fighters faced each other.

  16. The best fighters are on PBC. If the list this article suggests is so good, why aren’t they fighting on PPV in sold out arenas. Tank has shown that he is box office so to the victor goes the spoils.

    • Bias article . GGG Has never fought a soul but Canalo. And aint never fight an undefeated black american fighter. But No one says a thing about it. Why is it that Black fighter have always move up and fight other black fighters to prove there selfs. So the beat each other up then the Fighter on the Hope list sees a vulnerability and he then wants to fight them after the damage is done. Like Charlo and Andreade . Everyone says for them to fight then Canalo will fight the winner. Its crazy. Who has Lomo fought? But he is pound 4 pound no. 4. All these hype jobs end up getting stopped at the end of the day. Let Tank have his day in the sun. Bob Arum never lets his fighters fight against other stables. Tank moved up 2 weight classes. When Saul moved to light heavyweight and beat Kovolev all of boxing said it was super great. Stop the b.s arguments and the opinion peices please. Its so transparent and border line bias.

    • If you are reported in boxing bro you should have wrote this b******* and owned by racist ass white dude dumb s*** you typing here boy

    • B is telling the truth, if you know boxing how could you witness his point? B is not racist based on his comment, what B has stated has happened with many non-black fighters, boxing has political/racist influences, always have, it’s been going on for decades, since Jack Johnson in the 1930’s

  17. Those fighters are all Top Rank and Dazn have…and those fighters will leave…because actually Mayweather and PBC have the best fighters in my opinion… Top Rank already has a name built for itself with not making great fights, so why would Mayweather want to help them when they have hurt so many fighters? Build Crawford being the latest….

  18. Family why are we upset it hasn’t been called boxing in years try business 🤔 so who cares how or what us fans think the only power we have is not to support but guess what we can’t wait until the next big #fight/business ✌🏾

  19. If you think about it Mayweather done the same exact thing and when he did fight the good fighters they where fading. Of course he doesn’t want his guy to be better than he was that’s the nature of the buisness handicap Tank eventually Tank will leave hope it’s not when he is fading. Mayweather wouldn’t even let Tank talk at the press conference

    • Don’t fall for Mayweather comments. It’s a setup. He trying to make other boxers team call out Tank, like people’s did with him. If you say it on national TV and you want the fight, then Mayweather calls your bluff and now the fight is on or the other fighters make an excuse to not fight now (ryan, Teo). Everybody on this page is smarter than that.

    • Hello past his prime when Floyd fought him and beating was Ricky Hatton in over past his prime when Floyd fought him and beat him look at all the fighters Canelo has fought that was past their Prime

  20. Money Mayweather is pretty smart, he’s demonstrated that through the years, both in the ring and otherwise.
    You’ve heard the saying “some people will never get enough;” they see you’re doing well then they’ll try to steal your GRAVY.
    Floyd has done a great job managing your career.
    I would hope that Tank can see through this smoke screen and reaffirm his commitment to stay with Mayweather Promotions. Floyd has been your idle all these years, he’s brught you along and all he promised has come to fruition. Don’t let the naysayers get into your mind and disrupt Floyd’s plans for your career. He’ll take you to a place even higher than where he’s been; then you can take the baton and pass it on to the next one destined for greatness. Continue to work hard, accept counsel, and Trust Money.
    A lifelong fan of both You & Floyd.

    • Bruh what!!! Are you talking about?? You sound like a casual. Boxing doesn’t need more Spence vs Crawford situations (side of the street 💩). If Mayweather is true about what he says “Making Tank bigger than himself” Then he needs to make the other fights happens. Boxing has been about fighting the best!

  21. This article is straight opinionated. Without freedom of speech, we would not know who the idiots are! -James Baldwin

    • Nothing opinionated about it the top guys that everyone want to see him fight is with other promo. This shhhh irritating is what it is.

  22. So in other words he’s going to do what Bob Arum does at Top Rank. Tank does good numbers so maybe he can get away with it but this is what’s bad about boxing. This is why fans don’t get the fights we want to really see. I don’t Iike it when Arum does it. I’m disappointed Floyd will be carrying on the same business practice. SMH

    • Yes Floyd we know you were a great boxer. But just like you had to prove yourself in boxing, you got to prove yourself all over again wearing a different pair of shoes. But here you are dealing with somebody’s life somebody’s career. Why don’t you let him make that decision just like you did, let him be the one to decide something like that.

    • Don’t fall for Mayweather comments. It’s a setup. He trying to make other boxers team call out Tank, like people’s did with him. If you say it on national TV and you want the fight, then Mayweather calls your bluff and now the fight is on or the other fighters make an excuse to not fight now (ryan, Teo). Everybody on this page is smarter than that.

    • Agreed. The writer inferred mostly and missed Floyd’s implication. The other promoters are not willing to give up the “A” side status / slice of the purse since tank is not the wbc champ. But it’s hard to argue that he is not the A side from a popularity stand point. Floyd is saying, Tank can get work from boxer in thier network and still make A money and continue to grow Tank’s name and popularity without fighting top rank or da zone fighters who think they deserve the lion share. Time will have them change their mind and see the light. Don’t work hard to make others see your value, work smarter.

  23. I pray that God will help Gervonta make the right decision in Jesus name I pray amen!!!🙏🙏🙏👀😍🐘💚❤💜😂😂😂


    • This is tha exact same thing I was thinking, tha writer of this article is a “MAYWEATHER HATER” period!! Gervonta (Tank) Davis is being personally groomed for greatness by TBE. I’m personally rooting for Davis and can’t wait for him ta “takeover” Lopez ass wit tha same punch he gave Cruz ass

    • Floyd Mayweather is garbage. You praise him like he made his own name when the only name he made was a champion who ran. He’s no champion, fighter’s like paquiao and canelo are champions. You fight the best not the outdated. Plus Floyd’s nothing but a cry baby. Tank davis stays with him and hu is career will be garbage

  25. STOP YOUR NONSENSE it doesn’t get any bigger than MAYWEATHER you know exactly what he’s doing its call business if those other fighters want to fight DAVIS they gonna have to come correct$ to fight MAYWEATHER fighters you bombs so mad Mayweather been winning for so long u always trying to come with negativity your a pathetic scumbag

    • Even fighting lesser boxers, there’s a chance of him losing. Then what’s it going to do to him.don’t listen to him tank, bang with the best. You didn’t get where you are fighting lesser opponents.

  26. Another poorly done article trying to tarnish the great floyd Mayweather jr legacy well true boxing fans no better than to even consider this nonsense you’ve written he’s simply trying to protect his fighter.

    • Mayweather is hurting this mans career as far as making big money. He doesnt want Davis to fight anyone who has the potential to beat him. He wants to protect Davis’undefeated record by not facing good boxers who are in their prime. Kinda like Mayweather himself, lol! He ducked Pacciou for years then decided to fight him after Paccious’ prime. And the Mayweathers last 3-4 fights are, Connor McGregor ( non pro boxer), the japanese kid ( non pro boxer), Logan Paul ( youtuber, non proboxer). Can you not see that he is fighting #1, non boxers and #2, people he knows he can beat?! Mayweather doesnt wanna fight real fightets because he is scared of tarnishing his record! PERIOD! And if you say otherwise your not being truthful.

  27. Mayweather is another Don King, Tank has a bright career and I would not let anyone limit my potential. Floyd knows that this guy can be better than him and earn more money. Run for the hills Tank away from that selfish arrogant guy.

    • I agree with that Floyd is still wanting relevancy in the sport of boxing. Tank will surpass him he is one of the talented fighters in boxing. I pray he continues to stay health and as he get older his eyes open and he makes the right decisions for himself. But Floyd is not God he is just a man. But these people are speaking like he is WOW, ask this question what has he done to preserve the life’s in our BLACK communities……that’s what it is about each one reach one and build up those that look up to you so that they too, can be successful in life.

    • Didnt Bob Arum And Top Rank do this to Floyd Mayweather early in his career and he bought Bob Arum out because of that same reason

    • Don’t fall for Mayweather comments. It’s a setup. He trying to make other boxers team call out Tank, like people’s did with him. If you say it on national TV and you want the fight, then Mayweather calls your bluff and now the fight is on or the other fighters make an excuse to not fight now (ryan, Teo). Everybody on this page is smarter than that.

  28. This guy is way off telling Tank to leave Mayweather promotions tell Teo to leave Top Rank. You say all this about Floyd but AL Haymon said publicly that he was not making Lopez vs Haney 👀 and its for undisputed 👀. Again Tank has sold out 2 or 3 areas and had good ppv #s but he wont make any $$$.. Stop it. Teo has 3 belts and nobody is 🏃 to see him fight. Floyd is not gonna allow Tank to be undervalued and the name Tank Davis is the biggest draw at 130 135 and 140, tell me a bigger name or draw?? but Tank should leave Mayweather promotions smfh… The other cats are on notice come to the table respectfully and Floyd will make the fight. If the dont start at 50/50 it is dis respectful to them as a company and Tank as a superstar in the sport 👀.

  29. Mayweather’s name rings bells like the UFC and Dana White damn sure ain’t letting his fighters fight outside of the stable. It’s just better business and the undefeated streak will build his pockets for when he chooses to fight those guys. Makes more sense to me all the way around. Your narrative was an interesting take. But not one I agree wit.

  30. Great move. He will fight those guys under his promotion and PBC banner only. Not Top Rank or any other promotion. Just like you writers, changing the narrative. If they want to fight Tank, it must be promoted by Mayweather/PBC. Stop the bs…

  31. Doesn’t make sense
    Since it is in house he won’t
    Be able to fight the best and earn
    big money

    • He can still fight the best just on his terms it truly is a smart
      business move tank is drawing the biggest crowd in his weight class why not capitalize on that?

    • This is no different than what Top Rank does and tank does better ppv #s than Crawford and lopez but Dcafs wanna be critical of Floyd.. Lopez wants to be A side but he cant carry a card 👀. Lopez is rumoured to be fighting on DeLahoya’s* card in September.. Triller has had poor sales on This Kambosa* fight and it has been put off 3 times already. Tank can headline a card and sells out arenas already Lopez has never done that but Lopez claims he is A side stop it good luck to Teo… He doesnt want to fight Tank and he knows it hell Lopez wont even fight Haney for undisputed. Stop trying to throw Floyd under the bus when he learn all of this from Al Haymon. Tank just went up 2 classes and knocked out a undefeated champion but everyone said he was cherry picking smaller fighters. 👀 Tank is 5’6″ with 67″ reach but smh.. Floyd is letting the other promoters know if they want in on those ppv #s and sold out areas the need to come to the table at 50/50 or 60/40 Lopez has done all this talking since Loma and cant sell a fight because he is fighting a lesser fighter Haymon only bid 2million on the fight for good reason and it is apparent that AL knows Lopez’s market value better than Lopez Sr. Teo is a good fighter but Tank is a draw and Superstar in the sport and I believe he feels like if Pac-Man can move up why not me!!! Tank go get homie. Teo is the least paid between Tank and Haney but he claim he is A side 😅 if Teo wants to get paid HE needs to step up and take a ppv star’s fans 👀 only one way to do that ask Delahoya how he lost the crown 👀 he told Floyd 70/30 or 80/20 but Floyd knew once he beat him it would flip and it DID..

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