Mike Tyson To “Fight” Logan Paul In February? Lord Have Mercy!

By James Slater - 10/23/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 10/23/2021

11 thoughts on “Mike Tyson To “Fight” Logan Paul In February? Lord Have Mercy!”

  1. Ask Roy Jones how hard Tyson still hits… Roy indicated his whole body hurt for over a week, irregardless of what you thought of the fight. Tyson would end both Paul brothers gimmick, money grab careers. I say Winner Take All purse, then we’ll see how confident either Paul brother is about getting in the ring with Tyson.

  2. Tyson is unstoppable when he’s in the right mind set alot people are thinking his age is going to hold him back look at him he’s still built good and will only be better preparing for such a huge fight and mentally prepared he will put guy out as long as nothing mentally gets in his way he’s a freight train and that right Hook is like a bolt of lightning.and Mike knows this is a lot of money and he could retire for good being world champion again

  3. Why would I pay to watch a slap boxing match. We all know it’ll end in a draw and there’ll be a clause if not several in the contract. No knock outs, no hard punching, no crying, no blood, no biting etc. HaHa

  4. WWE type action. Every body knows its fake. I wouldn’t waste my time or money. Iron Mike destroyed his legacy at the end of his career. Shell shocked by Buster Douglas, Holyfield and Lenox Lewis. Then getting stopped by bums that might as well be winos on the corner fighting over nothing. Its more important things going on in the world today.

  5. 🙄…There was sucker born every day for
    the last six decades that’ll watch this foolishness, unknowing, of the, “no knockout clause,” in a contract that will be implemented in order for Tyson to get the kind of money Jake and Logan Paul be giving these guys to build the Paul brother brand…

  6. I wish Mike Tyson would fight BOTH Paul brothers in the same night, then they could share a ride to the ER.

  7. Logan’s last fight Woodley was contractually obligated not to knock him out. If this is a straight up boxing match with no such wussy clauses and Tyson wants to separate Logan Paul’s head from his shoulders Logan Paul will be out cold in the first round. Tyson needs to teach this YouTube bum a lesson. One thing is for sure I’m not going to pay for a PPV fight that’s a straight exhibition match. That’s a waste of money and an insult to the sport I love. I would pay to watch a real boxing match with Tyson beating dents in loudmouth Logan Paul’s skull.

  8. Like even how can dude defend himself from tyson dude gonna get serious hurt..
    logan bout to feel the pain..

    • No we won’t bro Tyson isn’t the old Tyson anymore as far as the mental side of things. Tyson took it easy on jones jr the last fight and can’t see him being anymore aggressive towards Paul… UNLESS Paul does the normal and takes trash and insults Tyson then Paul gone be in a world of pain lol think Floyd was a handful?? Tyson is in a whole diff stratosphere!!!!!!! GL Logan lmao u will need it

    • Paul will probably make Tyson sing a contract that says no knockouts, fight must last so many rounds, etc to protect himself. Tyson will sign it because of $.

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