By Robert Jackson: Up until yesterday 2/5/2013 it was all but expected that Floyd Mayweather Jr. would be soon announcing his return to the ring to face Robert ‘The Ghost’ Guerrero. And then…Facebook interceded and the whole world found out that Money Mayweather would be facing Devon Alexander! But wait, wasn’t it announced yesterday that Alexander injured a bicep while training for a February matchup with Kell Brook for the IBF title, causing that match-up to be postponed?
Is this a Mayweather ruse or is he serious about facing Devon Alexander?? The real question here is: Is Money Mayweather AFRAID to face Guerrero because of what he did to Andre Berto and Selcuk Aydin in the ring, having never fought above 135lbs until those fights? Those who think Mayweather is a fraud, coward and a cherrypicker would probably say yes!
There’s another angle here at play, let’s say in the background. The boxing public was lukewarm to his intended bout against Guerrero and now with him publicizing a possible fight against Devon Alexander, everybody thinks he’s afraid to face Guerrero. Floyd needs for the BOXING public to BELIEVE that Guerrero can win and by him APPEARING to be unwilling to face Guerrero, without saying as much, fans and critics alike will believe he’s afraid to face Guerrero…for a reason, making them want to shell out the $60 or $70 bucks to see that fight. Before the Alexander announcement it was a ‘ho hum’ fight, now it’s top floor. The word on different website posts is that Floyd has ‘cold feet’ about facing Guerrero, some are inferring that he’s AFRAID of facing Guerrero altogether and the world is on fire again.
Shortly…in the next few days or so after letting the furor of a Devon Alexander fight percolate and die down, Mayweather will emerge to announce Robert Guerrero as his next opponent, with the POSSIBILTY of a Guerrero win intact, and a mob of fans clamoring to see Mayweather get his ‘just due’ at the hands of ‘The Ghost’. And after the Guerrero beatdown those same critics, naysayers and haters will want their money back, once again accusing Mayweather of cherrypicking…which reminds me of a Mayweather parable he’s been known to chant, “you can pay to see me win, or pay to see me lose, but you still pay”!