by Charles R. Dorner, photo by Tom Casino / Showtime — Rico Ramos(21-1-0 11KO) vs Ronny Rios(19-0-9 9KO)
(INDIO, CALIFORNIA), 11 January 2012
Rd 1: both fighters open the round to cautiously. Rios is throwing a bunch of jabs. Ramos lands a nice hook-straight combo. Give the first to Rios based off of higher work rate.
10-9 Rios
Rd 2: both fighters still fighting cautiously, and not landing anything significant. Ramos is sitting back trying to counter punch as the round ends without either doing much damage. Hard round to score, but I will give it to Rios due to higher work rate.
10-9 Rios
Rd 3: Rios is throwing a bunch of punches, and Ramos is sitting back. Ramos seems to be feeling the effect by a combination landed by Rios as he shakes his head. Ramos is still sitting back trying to counter punch, but Rios is keeping too much distance.
10-9 Rios
Rd 4: Rios is bullying Ramos against the ropes. Ramos is not being active at all and is continuing to hold. Rios is the more active fighter, but Ramos is starting to let his hands go a little more. Ramos seems to be fighting overly cautious.
10-9 Rios
Rd 5: Rios is keeping up a steady body attack. Ramos is having a better round as he is starting to move more and let his hands flow more. Rios gets the round based off of a higher work rate, even though Ramos is getting more comfortable in the ring.
10-9 Rios
Rd 6: Rios opens the round with 2 strong right hands and a group of strong body punches, with Ramos holding on. Rios continuing the body attack, then lands a hard left hook. Rios lands the right hand again, followed by 2 retaliatory jabs by Ramos. Rios once again going hard to the body. Rios is landing the harder punches.
10-9 Rios
Rd 7: Ramos opens the round moving left and right as Rios is throwing a bunch of jabs. Ramos holding onto Rios again. Rios lands a hard right hand and and is pressing forward. Uneventful 7th rd, but I would give the round to Rios once again based off of higher work rate and harder punches
10-9 Rios
Rd 8: Rios still going to the body and throwing the jab. Ramos is on his bicycle. Another uneventful round. Rios gets warned for rabbit punches. Rios attempts unsuccessfully to the body. Another Round to Rios based off of higher workrate.
10-9 Rios
Rd 9: both fighters open up the 9th much more stronger. Ramos is finally starting to thome more punches. Ramos is still moving a good amount, when he probably should start trading a little more. Rios lands a nice left. Rios is behaving cautiously. Ramos gets the round based off of stronger punches landed.
10-9 Ramos
Rd 10: Rios opens the round once again as the more active fighter. Ramos seems to be waiting to land the big shot. Another uneventful round, with Ramos landing some strong punches. Both fighters holding on as the round closes up with Rios fighting more cautiously.
10-9 Rios
My score card: 99-90 Rios
Judge’s scorecard: 100-90, 97-94, 96-95 in favor of Ronny Rios
Rios UD10 Ramos