This past Saturday night, Ruslan Provodnikov (24-3-0) had successfully defeated Jose Luis Castillo (66-12-1) via a 5 round TKO in Moscow, Russia.
Provodnikov has a very timid personality outside of the ring, paired with an exceptionally crown pleasing style inside the ring. There are always people willing to pay to come see his action packed fights live. That is why his promoter Art Pelullo is having Provodnikov fight in the USA as soon as possible.
“Now Ruslan is coming back to fight on HBO. This will be in the USA in March, possibly March 28th. We are looking at Marcos Maidana, Danny Garcia, and Lucas Matthysse,” stated Pelullo.
For Provodnikov, all the above mentioned options would be ideal. All are aggressive fighters with the ability to trade from bell to bell if need be. With Provodnikov sharing the ring with any of them, there is no doubt that war is unavoidable.
With Danny Garcia still unbeaten, it’s highly unlikely that he would be willing to take that fight. It would a awfully risky bout with a not so high of a reward.
On the other hand both Maidana and Matthysse would likely jump at this opportunity.
Maidana’s two consecutive losses to Floyd Mayweather Jr. probably left him starving for a fight against someone willing to trade and meet him halfway as far as styles go. It would be interesting to see how well Provodnikov would handle Maidana’s power, at the same time to see how Maidana would adjust to the Ruslan’s never-ending barrage of punches and willingness to fight toe-to-toe for the entire 12 rounds.
Same goes for Lucas Matthysse, who after losing to Danny Garcia in September of 2013 accrued two KO victories, and is likely looking for another bigger payday with the benefit of moving up at a faster rate.
If Provodnikov’s next fight is indeed in March, they are probably looking to make a decision and sign the next fight by the end of this year.
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