Yesterday was, as you, of course, know, the Fourth of July. Independence Day. A huge date in American history. And in boxing history. So, in an effort to both pay tribute and to perhaps stir up a passionate debate amongst fight fans, Sky Sports’ Toe2Toe podcast had a boxing expert – Gary Logan – list his top 5 greatest ever American boxers.
Hey, everyone loves a list, right? Especially a list of this kind. This particular assignment, put to Logan, was, of course, no easy one. Can you possibly compile such a list without having to leave out one of your favorite fighters? As Logan said himself, ‘You can’t please everyone.’
No, you cannot. But Logan gave it a shot – a pretty decent shot, you may agree (or disagree).
Here are Logan’s top 5 finest-ever US boxers, in reverse order:
5: Floyd Mayweather
4: Marvelous Marvin Hagler
3: Sugar Ray Leonard
2: Muhammad Ali
1: Sugar Ray Robinson
Personally, I have no problem whatsoever with Logan’s list. But what about YOU? Maybe you are a massive Mike Tyson fan and feel “Iron Mike” should have a spot somewhere in the 5. How about the simply incomparable Joe Louis, should “The Brown Bomber” make the cut as one of America’s absolute finest? How about “The Rock,” Rocky Marciano? And that’s just the heavyweights. Henry Armstrong should be placed someplace in the top 5, surely? And Ezzard Charles….. and you could/I could, we could go on and on. But which of Logan’s chosen five should be elbowed to make room for Tyson, Louis, Marciano, Armstrong or Charles? You see how tough a task Logan was faced with.
Maybe, when compiling lists such as this, the person placed in the hot-seat should be given more room, as in the room to put forth a top 10, or maybe a top 20. Or maybe that would only serve to make the task that much harder!
Logan’s top 5 is a solid one, with some clear and pretty obvious choices. But again, are YOU happy with it?