Sugar Shane Mosley Hits 50 – The Closest A Man Ever Came To Flattening Floyd Mayweather?

By James Slater - 09/07/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 09/07/2021

28 thoughts on “Sugar Shane Mosley Hits 50 – The Closest A Man Ever Came To Flattening Floyd Mayweather?”

  1. Floyd turned down a few fights that he probably could of lost but we would never know

  2. Floyd turned down a few fights that if he would of fought would of went either way but we would never know

  3. Sugar Ray Robinson was a machine and boxing artist stop comparing Mayweather to him it’s an insult to the great Sugar Ray Robinson .

  4. Money is the greatest pound for pound boxer in boxing history! Period! He beat the hell out of everyone he ever faced, especially Canelo. Stop with the nonsense.

    • Floyd is not the greatest pound for pound. Sugar Ray Robinson is. Floyd is the greatest fighter of this generation. He’s also the best business man the boxing world has ever seen. Sugar Shane Mosley is a great fighter but he’s not on Mayweather’s level. He would’ve given Mayweather a good fight in his prime but he still would have lost.

  5. Right…. that’s so disrespectful to Shane and to make it worst, talking about him almost defeating Floyd meanwhile you rather got a pic of Canelo punching him.
    Your so stupid and unprofessional 🤮

    • I was thinking the same thing! He could have at least shown the pic of him punching Floyd Mayweather since that was what the subject of the article is. This person is inconsiderate.

  6. This isn’t honorable at all. You sound more like you’re trying to be vengeful towards mayweather than actually respecting and reflecting on Mosley’s greatness.

  7. Miguel cotto gives Mayweather a great figth also but he run out of gas but Mayweather definitely top ten boxers of all time.

  8. Floyd. Beat. Paxman, shane,hatton,marquez,Marquez, he whipped on the new so called pound for pound king,marshmello canelo..

  9. Why would you show a picture of Mosley getting hit by Canelo Alvarez in an article honoring him?

  10. Bull. DeMarcus “Chop Chop” Corley was the one who hurt Floyd and almost got him out if there. Immediately, after their fight Floyd hired Chop Chop ad a sparring partner.

  11. Floyd has to have sum of the biggest corns on his heels fighting off the back of his feet all those years. And de la hoya would’ve beat Mosley if he wasn’t all juiced up

  12. it’s interesting talks about this 50 mark threshold and yet Chavez Sr was over 88-0 before he began to loose! I love Floyd Mayweather but his 50th mark is not, not even close to the greatest of all time so please stop such comparisons because it’s childish talks.

    • The two best fighters were Aaron Pryor and Sweet Pea Whitaker…whom are never mentioned as the greats!

    • Which is undefeated 80 and 1 or 50 and 0 it doesn’t matter he should have stopped fighting at 80 and 0

  13. Please stop talking about what he almost did. He never did it. Everyone gets caught in boxing sometime in their career. Comes with the territory. Oh and Shane did duck Floyd early in his career (loosy goosy tooth) He was desperate at the end of his career to get a bag.

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