Teofimo Lopez wants everybody, but not Lomachenko

By Jeff Sorby - 09/13/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 09/13/2021

14 thoughts on “Teofimo Lopez wants everybody, but not Lomachenko”

  1. Lopez dodge Haney multiple times and he barely beat Loma with an injured shoulder but now that Loma shoulder all good all of a sudden he wants to run a away cause he knows his going get beat by Loma

  2. When Loma threw he dominated, when he didn’t Lopez barely outpointed him, BIG DIFFERENCE

  3. Sounds like he’s dodging him to me. Real champions defend their belt against the best the world world has to offer even if you already beat them once.

    • You right they do need to defend other 135 are scared of teo and loma needs to chase teo now .teo doing it for a reason , in the contract that loma ask for was if loma wins no rematch for teo ,teo wanted a rematch clause loma didnt loma was the favor . loma can only blame himself for not putting rematch in the deal . now teo should doing the same to loma

  4. He’s fng scared typical big mouth until he meets up with a healthy fighter , he’s a gassed and doesn’t finish well !!!

  5. Loma re-injured his shoulder in the 2nd round. Lopez doesn’t want any part of a healthy Loma.

  6. I think he’s afraid to face (Lomo) again, as he understands “It ain’t no fun, when the rabbit got the gun”

    • It sure looks like he is Dodging Vasily Lomanchenko , Vasily got off to a slow start, but finished well.

    • Yes he is dodging Vasili Loma chenco, He got off to a slow start but finished well, He would not make that mistake next time around, He will be more poised and polished, When you get to this level of boxing, You have to out think you’re opponent.

    • Even stevie wonder can see that mr. Cherry picker wants absolutely no part of lomachenko. Just like he said ” it all business “

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