Terence Crawford: Jermell Charlo lost

By Will Arons - 07/18/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 07/19/2021

82 thoughts on “Terence Crawford: Jermell Charlo lost”

  1. Archie Moore had more fights than any other boxer I can think of his official record isn’t really official. He had more fights than that it’s like 160 -8 or some crazy amount of fights. Sugar Ray Robinson had over a 100 fights, Robinson did a European Fight Tour where he was fighting a good or top fighter from each country every week. Guys today, except for Chavez, not even close, in his prime at the weight he was built to fight at -AWESOME ain’t good enough to describe that man. Much respect to all 3 fighters I have mentioned from a gringo in Texas

  2. Asserting how Crawford, a fighter competing in his third division with nothing to be seen above 147, most likely would have capitalized on the perceived underperformance of Charlo against a career junior middleweight, is the least boxing-minded rambling Iā€™ve ever read from a website dedicated to boxing.

  3. This is the problem with nobodyā€™s writing articles. Castano fights on the inside, and is strong. Bud couldnā€™t handle Charlo in the least. Different type of fight. Crawford wouldnā€™t press Charlo into the ropes. Charlo would probably walk thru Crawford . So this writer needs to stay with nursery rhymes. If Crawford feeling so froggy, jump up to 154, and fight for your P4P spot with Charlo. He will be sent into retirement. 33 year old Ghost fighter.

  4. Castano won this fight very clearly, awful judging from judges as stated obvious.

    All this hype on race in fight game,

    Please stop your ridiculous remarks on black white and brown, their are warriors from every type race, none are more dominate than other. Their are fighters warriors from all nationalities. Donā€™t be insecure with comments. Please keep it on fight not colour of skin,

    At end of the day it should never been draw and Charlo should gone home with L and and empty belt cabinet.

  5. All you keyboard warriors, making biased opinions on race, their are fighters from every race.

    Saying all this our skin colour dominate donā€™t make me laugh.. Charlo would get destroyed against Canelo or Golovkin.

    Because he hasnā€™t got chin or much durability.. if I really wanted to be nasty I could but Iā€™m holding back on you wannaā€™beā€™s remember majority of black fighters ainā€™t got no chins. Knockouts waiting to happen always history keeps proving that in fight game.

    • First you say it’s not about race and then you say all black fighters don’t have chance? That’s interesting considering two of the most durable fighters ever are Muhammad Ali and evander holyfield. But yeah go ahead and stop holding back and being nasty šŸ¤£

    • Muhammad Ali Holyfield thatā€™s it, canā€™t keep living off those 2 for rest your lives.

      If weā€™re going back to old days, why we forgetting rocky Marcianoā€¦

      Like always. šŸ˜‚

  6. I’m black n from what I saw Charlo got his ass handed to him. He was afraid running got his brain shook in knees locked all night. That judge knows that clown lost. Look at his face after every round it was fear, defeat. Be real. Give Castano his props

    • Boxing may be the only sport in which fans feel the need to declare their race in order to show that their opinion is not biased.

  7. The long ago Irish and Italian boxers were the best ever.Afew blacks also.
    Sugar Ray. These guys fought every other week,today’s every other year

    • well thats laughable especially since the game of boxing allowed very few blacks into the sport at that time you are talking about since the doors got wide open black and brown fighters dominate the sport of boxing and doesnt seem to be changing anytime soon my good man

  8. Charlo got pushed by this dude like he’s never been pushed by anyone else.

    It was a good fight they need to do it again to prove the winner fr

    • Jermwll did not follow his coroner’s instruction. Castano did not lose the fight and Charlo may have. I had the fight even 114-114. But definitely did not see Brian losing. He put Charlo up on the ropes and should have pressed the fight. I saw Jermell’s knees buckle three times. Brian was hurt in the second and tenth.

  9. The three belt champ did not step up to the plate like he should have… The latino Italian slightly got’em.

  10. Charlo LOSTED the Fight. he doesn’t have the killer instinct necessary to be Unified Champ…

  11. Charlo is a great fighter however Castano definitely won the fight clearly !!! Itā€™s not about race is about who was the better fighter that day and it was Castano .

    • CastaƱo won unanimous! I saw the fight with charlo only winning 4 to uh maybe 5 rounds at the most! Judges like the one who scored the bout 117-111 is ridiculous to boxing and he should be embarrassed and suspended with all means ! How in the hell did Tony Harrison win against charlo if CastaƱo did šŸ’Æ times better than Harrison that decision was a joke to boxing and they should stretch it out round 13 just like UFC on extra championship round, just like baseball bottom of the 17th inning until there is a winner, like football ot, like soccer until there is a winner and every other sport. Judges like the one we saw on Saturday make the sport of boxing suck with stupid decisions like a ( split decision draw ) smdh I would not like to see a rematch I would love for charlo to step up to the plate to Canelo at 160 or get a crack at golden boy de la Hoya on a comeback what do you think ?

    • Charlos lost! Wasn’t even close! Hwy robbery! Somebody need to be getting sued! Sue over everything else!

  12. Las Vegas controller boxing world and everybody knows that cuz the money they want to take from you

  13. Constano landed more punches, yes. He was the busier fighter, yes. But those two reasons alone don’t make u a winner. Charlo landed the more significant shots. Anything that is not a jab is called a power shot. The more meaningful punches, the ones that hurt. Charlo landed more. Hurt him numerous times. Y’all gotta stop hating boxers because they’re black. I see a lot ppl doing that which is weird. Going into the fight bias against a particular race is not going to clear y’alls judgement. I think both fighters need to go back to the drawing board. If they dared move up, they would both get a serious ass whooping. 154 isn’t that great of a division of these 2 are fighting for a unification bout. Castano has a b-rated resume and Charlo b-+. Neither guy has a serious impactful win vs an elite opponent. Rematch needed asap

    • Gotta bring up the “they hate me ’cause i’m black” stuff didn’t you… It’s not about being anything except the true winner and CastaƱo is the true winner, that’s it.

    • You must be black but not everything is race Charlo got beat. Maybe Crawford is hating on black fighters? Oh thatā€™s right heā€™s black and actually knows boxing remember power shots are important and no one talked about the 6-7 times Castano hurt him with hooks and overhand rights. Get a clue and stop complaining most champions are Latin and black and no race is more important than the other. He got beat period.

    • You sound like the judge who scored 117-111, Charlo backing up all night but the 10th round, by the way what fight was you watching. Put a name behind your comment, cop out.

    • I’m black and from what I saw Charlo lost the fight, even his trainer told him he needed a knockout. Get real.

    • Too bad for Charlo and it was a tough loss. It would be better to have a rematch against Brian Castano to beat him in a knockout round!

    • For me it has nothing to do with race. I wanted Charlo to win that fight. I was excited after round 2 and was ready for Charlo to knock Castano out. It was a close fight but I truly believe Castano won. No way that was a 117-111 fight either way.

  14. To anonymous: Get out of your fantasy world. In 60 court cases, they could prove nothing? Get over the lie. Please. And I though this was a boxing article. Whatā€™s with the politics?? You wonā€™t even say your name, so your credibility is nonexistent.

  15. Yeah he lost, everyone expected more from him but like I always say u can’t bank on the knockout

  16. After watching the Democrats get away with cheating in the presidential election, everyone is going to rig everything now and get away with it, they’re pushing the Charlo’s like the Dems pushed Biden, he didn’t win either and everyone knew it, but what can you do the fix is in. Lol.

    • Please stop!! Republicans had over 60 chances to prove cheating in court. During the 60 hearings, why did they not present the proof they claimed to have? Because they had none. They are sore losers. They have destroyed this country with their lies. They are liars and traitors.

    • State that proof of cheating.. because over 16 federal judges AND the supreme court say your full of sh*t

    • Where’s the nexus between democrats, Biden and this fight? you guys are politicizng a boxing match? first you guys try the impossible by politicizing death, yes death! Coronavirus don’t discriminate on political parties or race, you guys even politicize the vaccine that stops the death, Charlo simply got outscored, he didn’t throw enough punches period! Charlo literally beat himself, he wasn’t busy enough, Constano got robbed!!

    • I think itā€™s funny how short peopleā€™s memories are. Im old enough to remember EVERY democrat and EVERY legacy news outlet saying Trump stole the election for 4 YEARS!!! Also he was a russian asset meanwhile the Clinton foundation is getting millions for a deal that gave russia 25% of our Uranium. Dont remember anyone getting censored for misinformation for those lies, do you? Why is that? If youā€™re in favor of democrats youā€™re in favor of bigger government and more interference in our lives. The new agenda of democrats is communism and the new breed doesnā€™t deny that. Ask the people of cuba how thatā€™s working out for them

  17. Blacks dominate boxing period. That’s real talk. Are they that good. No. Real talk.

    • Stop the stupid mindless hate. If they weren’t winning, they wouldn’t be there. Go to the wiz and ask for a brain.

  18. Charlo got beatā€¦.yet to beat a Champion there can be mount in no oneā€™s mind. I would love to see a rematch

  19. Like Pacquiao and Marquez … Marquez needed a knockout to be the winner without any questions or faulty score cards

  20. should have been counted as a knockdown when the ropes saved charlos ass from going down…ref was on that reggie

    • Definitely! Saved by the ropes. I was so disappointed because he stayed on the ropes throughout the fight I’ve never seen that before in him. I guess he wasn’t trained to do body shots! Did you see his brother in making gestures with his hands, body shots, go to the body. He coaches never once said, go to the body. Who in the hell dont go to the body. He needs to take lessons from Tank Davis Camp. I’m just saying!

  21. Charlo was posing when he should have been boxing. His jab was much underused in this fight. This fight was a blueprint on how to beat Charlo. Pressure, pressure, and more pressure.

    • @J.R. YES indeed. Canelo would beat the brakes off either one of the Charlo brothers. Yeah I said it and I’m black.

  22. I am a long time fight fan and I called it. I simply said if they didn’t give it to Charlo it would be a Draw. Even Charlo’s corner told him he needed a knockout. His corner also told him to stop giving rounds away!

    • I’m a female and my husband and I are DieHard boxing fans in our time of watching the Charlo brothers they are great young man and heavy hitters but I must say Saturday’s fight was a disappointment because my husband I kept screaming go to the body his Corner knew that he was losing I must say that he was profiling more than he was throwing punches unfortunately he lost this fight hopefully in the rematch you do better

    • That’s sums up Charlo’s career in boxing, he also needs to fight outside of the lonesome state same goes to other fighters, who want to stay in their area.

    • Charlo won the fight I think anyone who knows boxing know that it just wasn’t pretty. Crawford sucks but I like his heart!

    • Best three boxers in the world are white Fury GGG and Lomo and the fourth is Phillipino

  23. Yeah no way that fight shuda been that close he didnā€™t fight a smart hats off to Castano tuff fight

    • True! Case and point. No way the judges score cards called it a draw. He lost!!!!! Hey, stop talking bad about Terrence Crawford. This man is a great fighter. Don’t be upset because he spoke the truth about the fight. Spence was afraid to speak the truth because they’re Buddies and he didn’t want to be the one to say My Boy Lost on National Television because everybody was watching

  24. Castano fought harder and a better strategy by keeping Charlo from dancing in the middle. He made the fight and dictated the pace. There were numerous times that one or two follow up punches from Castano may have put Charlo down.

    The judge scoring 117-111 was way off target. That needs to be looked at and if thatā€™s the best he can do, he should be judging pee wee matches at the ā€˜Yā€™.

  25. Until all of boxing it ran different there is always gonna be corrupted judges cause of the betting allowed. That rigged draw mad the casinos billions of dollars yet the fighter who dedicated his whole life for a once in a life time unification fight for all the belts was robbed. Sad and pathetic!!

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