Forget any opponent they each faced in the boxing ring.
The world was shocked yesterday, when Russian leader Vladimir Putin had his troops invade Ukraine. The disturbing move – one that has people fearing the sheer hell of a Third World War – has been almost universally condemned. What Putin’s future plans are we can only guess (and fear). But the brave Ukrainian people are fighting this wholly unprovoked attack on their country with nothing but admirable bravery.
Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko have both made headlines for the bravery they have shown in staying in Ukraine, both quite literally willing to “fight in the streets.” Vitali, who is Mayor of Kiev, said he “doesn’t have another choice” other than to fight the Russian invaders. “I have to do that,” he said. “I will be fighting.”
Wladimir, who signed up in the Ukraine reserve army earlier this month, is as passionate and as brave as his brother.
“One district from here, my little girl is going to school,” Wladimir explained from his homeland. “It is the love, the love for my city, my home, my family, my neighbours, my daughter that has brought me here, that I took this initiative and am now taking part in this territorial defence.
“I can’t stand still and I won’t.”
Messages of support have been pouring in, and it has been pointed out how both Klitschkos, as wealthy as they are, “could have ran away, yet they are instead staying and fighting for their homeland.”
Forget the Klitschkos as boxers; they are both embroiled in a far more serious fight and both men are currently showing unparalleled bravery and courage. It’s enough to shame any of us who ever criticised the fighting heart of either brother in the ring. Both brothers, along with their people, are willing to fight as hard as they can in an effort to save democracy.
All we fortunate people – safe in our homes, watching these shocking developments as they unfold – must join hands and minds and fully support the brave Ukrainian people at this time. The Klitschko brothers are now showing us how truly they are born fighters. And there is no glitz and glamour, no bright lights and big pay cheque to come with it.
This fight is strictly from the heart.