The Pre-Fight Talk Ahead Of Fury Vs. Wilder III Has Really Got NASTY

By James Slater - 07/20/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 07/20/2021

13 thoughts on “The Pre-Fight Talk Ahead Of Fury Vs. Wilder III Has Really Got NASTY”

  1. Fury have to be the biggest disgrace in boxing. A crack head a alcoholic fat dude. Yes he got some boxing skills but his a real c**t.i wish wilder knocks
    Him out cold!

  2. Can’t honestly see Wilder beating Fury.
    Much as I dislike Fury, he can box.
    Didn’t see a lot in Wilder last time around.

  3. Fury clearly was not ready for this and Wilder needs to stop with conspiracy excuses. He fought a rested Fury 2.5 months after Ortiz (most avoided heavyweight) came in 12 pounds heavier and wore a dumb suit into the ring and got what happens when you make those dumb moves. The third fight will be a classic!

  4. Looks like Fury is a little worried this time ! Putting the fight off to give himself more time to train ! He knew he wasn’t ready for this.
    Personally I can’t stand fury he the worst heavyweight champion of all time.

  5. Wilder is the cause of all this. A baby who can’t face the fact that he lost. He cant box and he has one punch. Fought a bunch of bums before Fury. I hope he loses and we never have to hear his bs again.

    • Clubbing on back of head WWE style ( except real) rabbit punching, head locking… and you’re saying what cheating…let alone all of the scandalous non title defense controversy this Fury dude has done. Horrible representative of a champion and a disgrace to the sport.

  6. According to my side, yes they are all greatest fights all the time, but deontay wilder he is the man that I know he can fight, infect he is my guy

    • Wow … wilder is your guy you know he can fight haha … wilder has got scary power and that’s it … fury bounces him around the ring again 🥊

    • Infect. Yup. Wilder is a disease. A wart on the ass of boxing with his twerking, wanting to be pregnant, excuse making: Brel and spiked my water, fury had egg weights, my costume was too heavy, etc. etc. etc.

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