The case of troubled former boxer Felix Verdejo is about as disturbing a case as you could possibly imagine. What the Puerto Rican did to his pregnant girlfriend makes for thoroughly ghastly reading. Back in late April of 2021, Verdejo killed Keishla Rodriguez Ortiz by throwing her off a bridge, this after the former 135 pound boxer injected his girlfriend with the substance fentanyl along with the horse tranquillizer xylazine. Ortiz’ dead body was found by authorities on May 1st.
Verdejo punched Ortiz, he then tied her arms to a cement block before throwing her from the bride, causing her death. According to the evidence that came to light in the courtroom yesterday, Ortiz was still alive at the moment she was thrown from the bridge. Indeed, a truly awful set of actions from a human being, one who will now spend the remainder of his days locked up behind bars. Verdejo, who had been trying to persuade Ortiz to get an abortion, was handed two life sentences yesterday.
30 year old Verdejo, who boxed for his country at the 2012 Olympic Games, was expected to go an and do great things in the pro ranks. But instead, Verdejo – who won his first 23 fights but was then stopped twice, his career ending – will be remembered for his horrific crime.
Verdejo, for whom absolutely nobody will have a single shred of sympathy, joins other crazed former fighters who committed murder, such as Carlos Monzon, Edwin Valero, James Scott, and others.
Verdejo’s actions just might be the worst that could be imagined, however. This one is an especially dark chapter in the sport of boxing. The judge certainly had zero compassion for Verdejo in handing him two life sentences.
“Your actions cost the lives of two people in a horrendous way,” judge Delgado said to Verdejo. “You destroyed a family. Their lives changed forever. There is no going back.”
Verdejo will now die in prison. Deservedly.