Heavyweight king Tyson Fury performed punditry duties for the Daniel Dubois-Ricardo Snijders fight in London last night (fee a train fair down and four cans of diet coke!) and whilst on-air, the unbeaten 32-year-old called for a December fight with rival heavyweight champ Anthony Joshua.
If the third fight between Fury and Deontay Wilder doesn’t happen in December (and the contracted fight is still to be officially announced), Fury wants Joshua. “Why not?” he asked. “It’s a fight.”
“If Wilder doesn’t happen, let’s do Joshua in December,” Fury said on BT Sports. “Let’s get it on. I’m ready to go now, I’d have fought him in that ring tonight. I’d still kick his ass, any time of the day.
Hopefully, they grow a pair and want to fight the Gypsy King. If I was in their position, I’d have had my chance at glory to go to America and fight Wilder. But they didn’t take it and I had to come out of retirement, set about him a couple of times – take the number one spot, take all the glory.
He [A.J] must be sitting down thinking, ‘that could have been me.’ But it wasn’t. It’s their own fault. Grow a pair, come see the champ, and I’ll sort you all out. I’m just waiting here patiently.”
In truth, though Wilder can NEVER be written off in any fight due to his withering power, most fans have little to no interest in seeing the third fight between Fury and Wilder; so thoroughly dominant was Fury over Wilder back in February. But as great as a Fury-Joshua fight would be in December, there seems little chance of it happening then.

For a fight of that magnitude, four months would not be enough time for the hype train to be able to pull into every town. Also, AJ has that December mandatory defence against Kubrat Pulev to attend to (and, as Eddie Hearn has pointed out many times, it means a great deal to Joshua to become undisputed champion).
Fury Vs. Joshua should be held in an outdoor stadium, in the UK, next summer. We can wait until then