Video: George Foreman vs Larry Holmes – Boxing Dream Fight

By Rummys Corner - 07/20/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 07/20/2021

20 thoughts on “Video: George Foreman vs Larry Holmes – Boxing Dream Fight”

  1. Hey, Sleepy Joe😴 how can what I typed be the dumbest thing you ever heard, you can’t hear what a person type,if your going to insult someone,at least do it intelligently.Boxing is a young man’s game,stick with golf over at the senior center.

  2. George matured as fighter, boxer, endurance, technique, Holmes didn’t. George by decision.

  3. Holmes wins by 8th round KO shades of Zaire Big George runs out of gas same as he did with Ali and feather fisted Jimmy Young..Forman wanted no parts of the feared Earnie Shavers or Roy Williams, Larry man-upped to both of them,Shavers twice!! Oh almost forgot about the Ron Lyle fight Big George out of gas there too almost got Knocked out there too.

  4. Holmes wins by 8th round KO Big George runs out of gas like he did against Ali and Jimmy Young.. Big George wanted no parts of Earnie Shavers or Roy Williams..just like a lot of other heavy weights of the day, Larry man- up against both of them..Shavers twice!!!

  5. Larry Holmes would have destroyed Big George and knocked him out in the 8th round. Too much speed for George.

  6. I have to agree. He couldn’t knock Michael Spinks out but he would KO Big George. Yeah, right.

  7. Stop. Foreman would have destroyed Larry. Only reason Larry looked as good as he did is simple. Wasn’t very many good contenders when he boxed.

  8. Larry Holmes all the way. Too scientific, great jobs, stamina, movement, plus a devastated right hand. Holmes in 6 or seven rounds

  9. In my mind I have done that match years ago and I to picked Holmes because he used his legs and his jab. Another match in my mind was Tyson vs Foreman and all I can say is who was hitting the hardest in there prime, which again if I could pick after round 5 my choice would be easier.

  10. Foreman, while amazingly powerful, is too slow and ponderous. Larry would rise from an early knockdown and cruise to a fairly easy unanimous decision.

    • He wouldn’t have risen from that knockdown. If he did, George would have been on him like a fly on a pile of crap.

  11. Larry Holmes,too fast,too much stamina, educated feet,he would ko Foreman in 7.💯% facts!!

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