Legendary British promoter Kellie Maloney, who famously guided Lennox Lewis to the world heavyweight title in her former incarnation of Frank, has spoken to the BBC’s 5live in the UK today to signal her return to boxing.
Maloney left the fight game following then charge David Price’s crushing losses to American Tony Thompson, ostensibly because she “had fallen out of love with boxing”.
The reality was that the promoter had finally decided to face a life-long gender identity crisis away from the unforgiving glare of the boxing public.
Following two years of gender-reassignment and a recent “final-operation”,
Maloney has confirmed she will return, signing unbeaten Scottish heavyweight Gary Cornish.
Maloney has said of her return;
“The final piece of the jigsaw has been put together. I think it’s going to be a very personal journey now I’ve decided to return. It’s something I have to prove to myself and prove to others. Boxing is a male-dominated world that can be stuck in a bit of a time warp.”
“I’ve been told I can start working again, as long as it’s not heavy work. It has taken me a long time to make my mind up regarding my return. I’ve consulted with my family, my counselor and lawyer. They said if I still have such a passion for it (boxing) then give it a go – and that’s exactly what I’m doing”
I can only wish her all the best in what is going to be a very difficult journey. Let’s hope the boxing world remember her as one of our own and support her.
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