What Next For Tyson Fury And Deontay Wilder?

By James Slater - 10/10/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 10/10/2021

20 thoughts on “What Next For Tyson Fury And Deontay Wilder?”

  1. Deluded,. delusional crackhead fanboys in denial. Bring your best heavyweights for grease spots on the canvas

  2. Grease spots, Deontay Wilder will monkey stomp all Europeans into a grease spot on the canvas. They will have to scrape them off of the canvas.

  3. What’s next for Deontay Wilder? That’s a very good question. First bring all of your eurocentric heavyweights to get monkey stomped into a great spot on the canvas. And bring your best, tell them to stop avoiding the best heavyweight champion that ever lived without question, Deontay Wilder.

  4. Blue,
    The gloves were tampered with. No investigation means coercion, conspiring to commit a crime

  5. Typical….
    Still throwing the cheat card out there
    Loaded gloves bent officials the commission was in on it blah blah blah
    Your man got beat up n thats it go away and cry wilder fans your all bad losers
    If the commission allowed dodgy gloves maybe they dont want wilder to win
    Hmmm i wonder why?
    Excuses excuses excuses
    Agian and again

    • Now the evil influence of fury is don, let’s move on to some legitimate fights. Deontay Wilder is an active heavyweight. For now there’s no one that can beat Deontay Wilder without cheating.

    • Legacy of cheating is the documentary Netflix about how the British boxing board of control suspended permanently fury’s boxing license.

  6. You rascals aren’t fooling anyone except for high school boys. Criminals aught to be investigated like the UK did , the British boxing board of control has suspended permanently fury’s boxing license and that is a hell of a lot better than our Mafia run commission who approves worn out gloves. Those gloves should be required to be brand new.

  7. There’s no way fury could ever beat Deontay Wilder without loaded gloves and help from the Nevada State Athletic Commission and the WBC allowing drug test failing and refusal of the investigation. I myself have access to a photo of an eggweight clearly visible through the leather glove.

  8. What’s next for Deontay Wilder and fury? The same old thing, fury will keep on being allowed to fight while on steroids and enhancement drugs until he unifies and retires and Deontay Wilder, if he hasn’t suffered too much neurological damage from the loaded gloves and drugging , will continue to be avoided and continue knocking everyone out, forever.

    • 😅😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😅🤣🤣😂😂😅😅another deluded wilder fan
      You boys aint got a clue stick to softball or ice skating or whatever it is you lot do

  9. To me it look just like the first fight Wilder did the same thing his was a opponent that he knock out 5 years ago there were a lot of Hall of Famers who reach out help him he didn’t want it and is his mark on boxing history will be question as for Fury i feel there’s more work to do of he wants all of the he want’s to be unified champion.

    • Deontay Wilder has been an inductee of the Canastonia New York international boxing Hall of fame. And he didn’t have to load his gloves and drugging opponents while on steroids and cocaine to accomplish that.

    • Once a crack head, always a crack head. A crack head cheated the greatest heavyweight champion that ever lived five years ago and a crack head cheated the greatest heavyweight champion, Deontay Wilder today. Period , end of story.

    • Deontay Wilder is still young and active. The corrupt criminal acts perpetrated by old fuddy duddy types like Arum, and Larry merchant who as a last dying wish was to just have one White hope in their lifetime will pass and Deontay Wilder will still be here competing and improving on history of honor integrity and excellent legacy.

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