Who Are The Five Greatest-Ever Fighters From All 17 Weight Divisions?

By James Slater - 10/06/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 10/06/2021

10 thoughts on “Who Are The Five Greatest-Ever Fighters From All 17 Weight Divisions?”

  1. rompanganph@gmail.com
    Are you👺sure they know the sports of boxing? Without the undefeated Rocky Marciano’s name who knockout all the best heavyweights, including the brown bomber, your list is a farce!

  2. That is a very hard answer. Through the years there were some great fighters. In every decade there are great fighters. Every year heavyweights got bigger, stronger, faster and could hit brick hard. Who is the greatest depends on how many good fighters a fighter fought and beat. How long a reign a champion was. Did he fight better opposition. How did he do going to other weight divisions. Who had the better all around skills. It is a very hard question.

  3. And as always, the ONLY undefeated heavyweight champion of all time, not on the list, not even mentioned, gee, I wonder why? And I’d bet a farm, my comments will disappear, won’t they?

    • Rocky Marciano doesn’t deserve to be on any top five list let alone top ten who did he fight he fought his on cousin for one of fights he was overrated

  4. Lennox Lewis b4 George foreman Joe Frazer Jack Dempsey rocky Marciano is a joke like saying Mayweather is the greatest lol

    • Yes that was a fight that they pay Jack Johnson $100,000 to throw the guy wasn’t supposed to hit him that hard so when he got up he knocked the guy out and two of his teeth was stuck in his Boxing glove that’s what really happened

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