Canelo Alvarez: ‘Caleb Plant has already lost in his mind’

By Albert Craine - 09/22/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 09/22/2021

93 thoughts on “Canelo Alvarez: ‘Caleb Plant has already lost in his mind’”

  1. Canelo why don’t he fi ght black. Fighters they know what time it is why is he ducking. Them. Case close

  2. First off, the word Motherf**ker comes from slavery when white masters thought it fun to breed mothers and son. Just like the word buck breaking. Some words are not just words regardless of how often we you them in American society. Besides we know that Canelo is going to eat plant alive. He keep on pressing those buttons lol

  3. Canelo says he knows plant’s style but the last time he fought that style he lost. Mayweather. And as far as the mental aspect, a person who is scared cheats. Plant is already in his head, so when he gets in the ring he’ll be off his game plan, angry and underestimating Plant. I’d say he’s the one who’s projecting his own thoughts on Caleb. You can’t psycho-analyse from outside your own thoughts and experiences. Unless you’re a trained professional and the last time I checked he just a boxer. Based on what he’s has said and done, I think he’s afraid he’s going to loose. The article is somewhat biased. But I don’t think it’s inaccurate. The journalist is entitled to his opinion. Besides we all know that MF has nothing to do with moms. And Canelo knows that. So yeah he’s a liar and a cheater.

    • We will see who comes out victorious on fight night. Plant is getting KO. All you plant fans are going to be full of excuses on why he lost

    • Canelo was 23 a youngster. Plant aint no Floyd so you can’t compare. As far as the steroids that was a thing that happened in the past. The fact of the matter is that Canelo wins wins wins.

    • You can’t compare Plant to Mayweather. 😭😭😭 You must’ve not watched his last fight. The man was struggling in the later rounds. Also, when translating mf from English to Spanish is talking about his mother. I don’t see Plant even standing a chance if he fights the way he did in his last fight.

    • Jerrod.
      The last time canelo fiught someone like Plant
      Ur right he lost. Mmmm
      How many years has that been.
      Het my point. DIFFERENT FIGHTER NPW.
      MMMM. NO ONE.

    • Plants fighting style can’t really be compared to Mayweather!
      Plant gets in the ring with canelo that’s brave but he’s picking up bucks don’t forget! He won’t win tho!

  4. Bro who wrote this article? The person was more worried about bashing Canelo than being a journalist. Idk how you post this garbage and call it journalism?

  5. Thanks for all the comments. That’s bringing a hold bunch of money for both of them!!!. Be sure and pitch in your part.

  6. Canelo is gonna beat plants big mouth in. Thats about all plant can do is talk, he talked his way into the fight and into an ass beating

  7. The way this article is written you clearly have a bias and it comes through in every sentence. You sound more upset than plant was. Hahaha

    You mock the fact that plant can “talk circles around canelo” because he’s an American with English skills.

    Towards the end of this article you make it sound like canelo should be worried but let’s be real… plant is not on canelos levels. Canelo will be boxing circles around plant. He’s a Mexican with superior boxing skills. I predict a broken face for plant.

    He also gets tested year around.

    Sorry to burst your little article

    • Canelo Don’t fight the best fighters he won’t fight a black undefeated fighter let alone the big Mexican David who he won’t beat.

    • Let’s be serious guys we all know plant has no chance against canelo the Mexican guy its been to wars expose many time lots of skills and best of all hes always far as plant have you watched his last 4 fights please will be easy for canelo ! Its not about running and punch thats not going to make victorious no way if you know boxing hes still a champion because he has not fight nobody of canelos label even jecobs and Smith can bet him even ggg please .

  8. What makes sports so much fun to watch is unpredictability. I’m a boxing fan and have been for many years. I’ve watched Caleb Plant fight and am not awed by anything he does. Fast hands? Is he in the same boat as Floyd Mayweather, Meldrick Taylor or Sharmba Mitchell? Foot work? How does it compare to Vasyl Lomachenco or Orlando Canizalez? Listen guys anything can happen. Does anyone remember Chavez vs. Randall I, Tyson vs. Buster Douglas and Jesse James Leija vs. Azumah Nelson I?

    I’m a Canelo fan all of the way. Plant has fast hands but so did Sharmba Mitchell. Kostya Tsyzu took care of that really quickly in their second fight, as controversial as the end of the fight was, JC Chavez took Taylor out.

    I don’t have anything against Plant. He has some skills. But, he’s never fought anyone as experienced and talented as Canelo. How will he react to someone that can expose some of his shortcomings?
    Everyone says Canelo has an issue with boxers that are left handed, movers and have fast hands. I totally agree. Thing is, that he’s learned to be patient and methodical. He rarely throws unnecessary punches and is pretty accurate. He’s no Ricardo “Finito” Lopez but can get there.
    That’s my take guys. Have a great night and here’s to a great fight. Cheers!

  9. Ist off calling someone a mother f**er has nothing to do with your mom. 2nd, yes Canelo popped for using PED’s. Probably still using them. Heck I just wish we can see a good fight

    • In Mexico the translation is “chingas a tu madre” and that triggers massive fights from basic school to old guys. Call it a macho culture, but I can see why the phrase triggered him.

  10. Its funny how how this so called reporter said that Plant can outtalk canelo because he know English better. Well it might be true but remember Canelo can outtalk plant on the Spanish side. And so did reynoso. The interpreter does not do a good job. But if you listen to reynoso he clowned plant better that plant did canelo

    • Plant will be destroyed by Canelo. Trash talk is what Gringo boxer do to get inside your mind. Boxing is done with your fist. English speaker or not. Plant will fail and lose his title.

  11. This author is blatantly clowning Canelo for his English etiquette. How low are you man? Are you even a man at all? We’re talking boxing here not the spelling bee you “in the closet” discriminator! One thing you can count on with Canelo is honesty and class. If Plant called him a “mother screwer” I believe him. Sure Canelo has more to lose but more to gain too. I don’t think he’ll lose this one. He gets better every fight which means Plant could suffer the same fate as Saunders.

  12. All top fighters have had a fight or 2 go their way,Floyd had his share,Pacquiao has had some. So quit complaining!

  13. I’m a Canelo fan, have been for many years. Honestly I don’t know much about this other guy, but what I do know is he better be at his very best to have a decent chance to beat Canelo. I look back at Canelo’ career & what I liked most about him besides his awesome skills was the way he handled himself as a man. No trash talk, no low life comments, just let’s his fist , speed, & skills do that for him. Good Luck(as if you needed it) Canelo

  14. We have to assess the fighters, ask Billy J. Sounders, Trout, Jordan, Triple G, with other great champion fighters, on the strength, speed, and ability to figure out his opponents. Celeb can tap dance around the ring and hit on some jabs. But, he has 21 wins not one is the caliber of a pacman, three G, not one was a heavy weight champ. Talk is nothing without the report card. If Caleb was to win, he needs to step up his game, one belt for super middle weight with 21, he has to have some power behind his jabs…. Judges count power over taps. I wish both come out ok, not like BJ Sounders.

  15. Albert Crane your lopsided reporting is a disgrace and a disaster. Let’s see what you have to say about your analysis after November 6th. I’d like for you to follow up to this article after the fight. We will be waiting. Are you blind? Did you not see how Canelo countered really well at Plant and landed??? Please find another profession.

  16. Already got 5k on Plant. Like one of you just said this is a white Ali vs white Liston fight. Canelo will come out trying to take Plants head off and will get shocked. By the way Canelo is whiter than Plant, why all this racist BS? By the way Plant does not have a punchers chance, never did. He is just a better all around fighter. GGG won both fights and Manny probably won his also. Would really like to see this fight take place on neutral ground. I do fear another bad decision in favor of Canelo as we have seen in the past. Hope drug testing is done within 48 hrs of fight time.

  17. Guys did you see the reaction time of Canelo after the left hook that missed from Plant in the press conference? Nobody beats Canelo for now .

  18. This going to be an excellent fight. It is funny to read some of these comments from “so called ” true hard-core boxing fans. We’ve never seen either guy seriously hurt so what is going on with all of the knockout talk? Both fighters are skilled enough to land some punches but they’re also slick enough to prevent others from landing their biggest punches. Canelo is the man, period but is beatable against slick guys like Caleb. The Mayweather fight made him look as if he didn’t belong in a boxing ring (get out of your feelings and be honest), even with the knock down he still should’ve been given the L against Trout and there’s no way that he won against Lara. Caleb is super slick but not like some boxers that tire out and run because they’re scared to get hit. Caleb will stand there and punish you for mistakes similar to Canelo’s expert counter punches. Canelo has ultimate confidence as he should because he usually always rises to the occasion. I can’t believe that we have to wait a little longer. May the best man win and if the fight is great, give us a rematch. Thanks for reading.

  19. Whatever canelo does ti psint pictured of his opponents in his head has worked pretty good for him so far. The author seems to be mocking canelo fornot only his comments but the fact that he speaks spanish better tjan he does english. Well they are not gighting for the englisg speaking world title and canelo has beaten many more skilled fihhters which hsve also had some difficult times in thier lives . So until someone beats him again id give gim the benefit of the doubt

  20. Caleb has a punchers chance? It’s like Fury vs Wilder? It’s surprising to me how many people have no idea what they are commenting about on here. Caleb is not a power puncher, is slick and has good boxing skills(nothing like Wilder). Canelo is the full package, has power, speed, ring IQ, nothing like Fury in comparison to fighting styles. So yeah its NOTHING like Fury vs Wilder. If you don’t know about boxing, just say so.

  21. Truth is dope or not the guy just wants to unify belts in the weight division most comfortable for him. He wasn’t caught doping so that’s all hearsay. I thought both fights with GGG were about that close, should of fought 1 more time tho. Either way let’s see the next fight get done then we’ll hear the comments on that outcome.

  22. Canelo has got it WRONG it’s NOT PLANT although I wouldn’t be surprised if he made it ( can’t really punch hard enough for Canelo respect) interesting 🤔 The guy is Benividez 🏆 he has the SKILLS ,he also RESPECT’S Canelo too much 😑 The ONLY thing stopping BENIVIDEZ is himself outside boxing being undisciplined with drugs are whatever. This kid I am pulling for ,and can be a ⭐STAR ✨,🥊🥊,🏆, 👑 Facts: if he focus like GGG write it down ain’t no stopping this kid . I’m praying for him 🙏

  23. I don’t know why so many are hating on Canelo? He is the best out there now.He Learned when he was younger and got schooled by Floyd. I still think he beat Ggg both times. Sill few are asking why he did not fight Ward then? He was not in Wards weight area then. He was around 160. So stop that foolishness. Where is Ggg now? Fighting nobody but still hunting Canelo in a weight class (160)Alvarez left behind to get a big payday? Ggg wants to prove he is not old and still got it then let him fight J. Charlo or D. Andrade? Canelo is going after the 168lb belts”champion” belt holders to prove he”s ‘P4P. Unlike B Crawford who makes excuses and fought nobodies to build his weak record. All I can say to Plant, another (White boy) down!

    • He did lose to tripe g by a mile the first fight. The second one was a draw. Canelo didn’t want know part of Triple G again because he knows it would’ve been another battle and wanted to go for easier fighters. Like the crusher and Jacob’s. Plant doesn’t have the experience for Canelo if it goes to the scorecards they will give it to Canelo .

  24. I don’t know why so many are hating on Canelo? He is the best out there now.He Learned when he was younger and got schooled by Floyd. I still think he beat Ggg both times. Sill few are asking why he did not fight Ward then? He was not in Wards weight area then. He was around 160. So stop that foolishness. Where is Ggg now? Fighting nobody but still hunting Canelo in a weight class (160)Alvarez left behind to get a big payday? Ggg wants to prove he is not old and still got it then let him fight J. Charlo or D. Andrade? Canelo is going after the 168lb belts”champion” belt holders to prove he”s ‘P4P. Unlike B Crawford who makes excuses and fought nobodies to build his weak record. All I can say to Plant, another (White boy) down and out!

    • Well said brother, sounds like u know ur boxing unlike the rest of these casuals fans out here

    • Dream on…I’m just looking at it from a boxing point of view. ….plant is a great fighter…..but he is fighting a lion in his prime…..six round stoppage…massive body shot to the ribs. Plant has never being hit this hard……besides Canelo proved he can take a punch….Plant punching power is not the strongest…..he can hit…..but not strong

    • Canelo will whip the white boys rear end ,stop hating on canelo Mexican is tougher straight up and superior to caleb

  25. Everyone knows that boxers quick on their feet give Canelo the height and reach..if Plant keeps his distance and boxes smart..I can see him getting a decision win

  26. You cannot judge the outcome of a fight based on what happened at a press conference.
    I’ve seen a fighter win a brief scuffle at a press conference and then get knocked out “cold” in the fight.

  27. Hey buddy you got it all wrong. Canelo pushed and who threw the first punch ?Easy work for Canelo. All of that about drug cheat is propaganda. Only the haters say that.

    • Lol it’s so sad to see guys riding Canelos little meatstick … the PED scandal is real… he got caught and he was suspended for 6 months… facts!!

  28. Albert, Forgive me, but your picture painting of Alvarez is pretty bad. I get you have a favorite but as a “sports journalist” try actually being refreshing, and be unbiased. Plan was never even a factor and certainly not a household name until January…….So, just stop.


  29. Canelo all the way … remember when they go low … we go high right to the face.

    Like Canelo says his fists will do the talking.

  30. He will face a Mexican Warrior. He will regret using Duty words like a second class white trash.Punish that Gringo.

  31. Canelo was mad the Caleb called him a cheater and that bothered him.. Sweet hands is in his head already.. This is going to be a terrific fight.. If Canelo can’t keep his cool, then Caleb is going to Beat him easily.. Just you Watch what I tell you…

  32. So Canelo is dumb as hell MotherF###r doesn’t literally mean you do your mom, he’s making excuses because he knows Plant isn’t a chump like his last couple of challengers and he’s being watched because he’s a cheater.I hope he loses because Ceasar Chavez is the greatest Mexican boxer not Canelo

    • No idea about his culture. It takes perspective to understand someone with student beliefs than your own., but that’s ok. Go on and believe what makes you happy and gives you hope

    • Lol u better hope ur boy can move better then that it will be easy work .. he flew n got a cut with in seconds .. haters always going to hate .

  33. You obviously on Plants side. Your article is pretty bias. Most experts in boxing know about Canelo’s boxing skill and devastating punching. Your making it sound like Celab is Muhamad Ali entering the fight against Sony Liston. Any experienced boxing fan knows Plant has limited skills and faces a brutal boxing beating. No matter how you paint Canelo you will not be in the fight to defend Plant.

  34. I honestly don’t think that canelo thinks that he is going to walk right through Caleb plant but right now and professional boxing there is no one more testing in all of the doping agencies than canelo Alvarez and canelo has given Caleb a huge opportunity and the biggest payday of its entire life so instead of being grateful for canelo giving him the opportunity to change his life what does he do he goes in and talking s***about canelo instead of being grateful but yet he walks onto the stage and comes taking jabs at his trainer and using unclassy profanity shame on you Caleb he said he didn’t care about the money is what Caleb said but that’s not true he wanted $10 million dollars and canelo gave it to him and without canelo he wouldn’t have ever made that money in his wildest dreams I used to like Caleb plant cuz I am a boxing fan and I think the best should fight the best but remember you are a world champion and a world-class athlete so act like one don’t come out with your ghetto s***

    • That was almost coherent……… or not. Canelo is gonna dust Caleb. He’s not even on the same level from a skill point of view. It’s like Fury-v-Wilder again. Sure, Caleb has a punchers chance. But beyond that, unless Canelo gets sloppy it’s not even a fight.

    • Canelo wants all the belts and Plant has one. Alverez didn’t give Plant anything. Let the fighters do the work. You guys are idiots.

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