Don’t concern yourself. What you thought you saw wasn’t real. “All Access” was all showbiz, according to Floyd Mayweather, Jr. What viewers saw was what he wanted them to see. It was not real, a kind of mirage. Shedding more light, he explained it wasn’t marijuana we saw. It really was nothing but harmless weed, a prop. He further explained we need not believe what we heard either. The truth is his doghouse fighters really did have rest periods, and weren’t forced to spar for 31 straight minutes. And, those people flashing money around, giving us the impression they were betting, well that was a staged exhibition for the cameras.
The NSAC panel in charge apparently nodded their heads in agreement, and voiced their satisfaction with Mayweather’s explanation. The implication was as long as you were just kidding, it’s okay. But, next time please let us know a head of time what you’re planning to do, so we won’t be alarmed and made to look foolish. Money would have us believe as Mick “Crocodile” Dundee used to say, “No worries mate.”