Marcos Maidana Stops A Game Jesus Soto Karass In Drama-Filled Slugfest – “El Chino” Back To His Entertaining Best!

“Please Stand By” Sergio Wins but With Technical Difficulties!

Macklin holds Alcine at ‘Knife’point

Alvarez stops Lopez; Maidana TKOs Soto-Karass; De Leon defeats Gonzalez

Martinez dominates Chavez Jr; Rigondeaux decisions Marroquin; Macklin crushes Alcine

Atlas: Chavez Jr. is too slow, too predictable and will get taken apart by Sergio Martinez

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. vs. Sergio Martinez: Head to Head

Chavez Jr. vs. Martinez: Is the boxing world counting out Junior too soon?

Ricky Hatton wants Mayweather, Pacquiao, Khan and Brook

Josesito Lopez might be too heavy to beat Saul Alvarez tonight