Interview with trainer Brian Mathiasen of Denmark

By Teddy Stenmark
05.11 - He is unquestionably one of the best boxing-trainers in Denmark and has the full respect from his few but extremely talented fighters. They have found Brian to be the best guider in their boxing lives and who can blame them? I have met Mathiasen briefly on a few occasions and I love him. He is very easy-going, and I guess, more of a pal to them. He is destined to work the corner of a Danish World champion in the future, I am pretty sure of it!
Teddy: How many amateur fights did you have?
Brian: I had only 12 amateur fights 10 wins 2 loses 9 KO
Teddy: Did you win any major domestic Danish titles?
Brian: The Jutlandic title (a regional Danish title) at Super heavyweight in 1995
Teddy: When did you start out as a trainer?
Brian: As a pro-trainer in the beginning of 1998.
Teddy: How many boxers do you train? And who are they?
Brian: Pro boxers: Allan Vester, Anita Christensen, Ahmed Kaddour, Youssef El-Awad.
Teddy: How old are you?
Brian: 37
Teddy: Do you only have your training career as a job or do you do something else to?
Brian: I have another job as well.
Teddy: If I remember correctly you worked very closely with Promoter Anders Vester some time ago, do you guys still work together?
Brian: No, we don't work together anymore, I train his son Allan Vester and Anita Christensen for Team Vester, that's it really.
Teddy: Do you believe that you will work the corner of a Danish World-champion some time?
Brian: I hope so. But you know, pro boxing is more complicated than people normally know. First of all, it depends on the promoter - Can he, or she, get the right fights, in the right order, and at the right time. I believe that I have the potential to go all the way, and I know that my fighters definitely have it.
Teddy: Who would that be if you would have to pick just one guy?
Brian: Or girl! In my dreams, all of them.
Teddy: What kind of boxer were you as an amateur?
Brian: Brilliant...(Smile). Obviously A novice but a hard-hitting one!
Teddy: Do you think you form your fighters into a specific type of boxers?
Brian: I try to learn them to be complete fighters, but everybody have their own styles. We train a lot of technique, like hit and then move when the opposition is hitting at you. And I also like when you hit and then you change your angel and hit again.
Teddy: Who is your closest friend in boxing?
Brian: My fighters, Henrik Risum and Evans Ashira Oure.
Teddy: What's the beauty of pro-boxing?
Brian: To wake up in the morning to run with the boxers, and to go to my Beautiful boxing gym in the afternoon And train very hard. I also like that no opponent are the same, and that one punch can turn your career upside down.
Teddy: Name a fighter (worldwide) that you just would love to train!
Brian The four I train just now will do just fine, or anyone that puts their heart and soul into the training.
Teddy: I have met you a couple of times, you seem almost to be a too nice Person to be a boxing-trainer, are you able to get really mad when your boxers don't obey you?
Brian: "Like the Metallica song where he sings - Obey your master". No, It's not like that! We work together as a team - I tell them what To do, and they do it. They know that two people work better than one, so they are always doing what I tell them, And so far, I only had to higher my voice just a bit to let them know if something is wrong.
Teddy: Which boxer has been easiest to handle so far? Who has been your "Dream-pupil"?
Brian: I love to work with all of them, but Allan Vester is the guy that I have known for the longest time, and I have been in his corner in the last part of his amateur career, and in 24 out of his 25 Pro-fights (only missed the European title fight against Gianluca Branco in Italy, when Allan trained in the US with Steve Canton). He is like family to me, Allan, his Lovely girlfriend Therese, and their kid Axel, he (Allan) is almost like a Younger brother to me.
Teddy: Who is the greatest fighter (active) out there right now in your opinion?
Brian: There are many talents out there, and even more that will never get The chance of showing their potential. I like Oscar de la Hoya - Felix Trinidad - Bernard Hopkins, just to Mention a few.
Teddy: I read some were that you had been working as a door-man (bouncer), Have you had other professions as well?
Brian: That is right, and I have also worked as a dockworker for 8 years, and been a manager for some restaurants and discotheques. Now I'm managing a new nightclub in my hometown Aarhus.
Teddy: Danish middleweight Evans Ashira signed with Don King recently, what is your opinion about that?
Brian: I think it's OK, but he have to fight soon. He will never be champ without any fights. I hope that he has a fight coming up very soon, and I wish all the Best for him, because he is one of my very best friends.
Teddy: Finally Brian! Who is the greatest Scandinavian fighter that ever lived in your opinion?
Brian: I haven't seen all of them, but there are a few. Søren Søndergaard - Racheed Lawal - Gert Bo Jacobsen - Johnny Bredahl, and I think I forgot someone.
Teddy: Thank you very much Brian for your time, I know you have busy hours right now! Take care Brian!
Brian: I hope the answers were OK. You are always welcome Teddy my friend!