
Mesi Getting Stronger and More Powerful

"Most sports are about explosive power."

-Chuck Pelitera, strength coach
for Baby Joe Mesi

04.09 - Good strength conditioning can provide an important edge for any athlete, and strength coach, Chuck Pelitera has a very willing and able pupil in 26-0 heavyweight, Baby Joe Mesi.

Pelitera holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in physical education and exercise science; he's currently the head strength coach at Canisius College, a position he's held for 17 years. He has worked with Joe Mesi as a strength trainer for the past three years.

"The male human being reaches his peak strength somewhere between ages 25-35," Pelitera said. "Each year I've worked with Joe he's gained strength and become leaner; all of Joe's potential is kicking in." Pelitera believes that Mesi's weight training regimen makes the fighter stronger and more powerful in each successive bout.

To improve Mesi's explosive strength, Pelitera has him train with a medicine ball, but not in the conventional way. For this exercise, Mesi stands on one side of a racquetball court, and, using a two-hand chest pass, fires the medicine ball at the opposite wall. He performs four sets of three reps. A year ago, he couldn't hit the opposing wall, but in a recent workout, he hit the wall five times! This wouldn't be easy for any athlete, under any circumstances, but it's a testament to Mesi's dedication and progress.

Pelitera stresses that a boxer's weight training regimen has nothing to do with body building: "You're trying to make the individual as powerful as possible. My goal is to make Joe a better athlete; once I make him a better athlete, it's easier for Juan DeLeon to make him a better fighter."


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