The Boxing Scene; Tyson , De la Hoya, Moyer

11.02.04 – By Keith Terceira: The recently depressing news that it is possible that De La Hoya and Tyson will oppose each other on the same evening in a rival media fashion truly ticked me off. Rather than reschedule one or the other of these guys to the following week for the betterment of boxing, they would rather now place the fight starved fan with the dilemma of choosing between the two bouts or taping one and watching the other. Thank God, for replays!

I have already received a dozen calls over the schedule, many referring to the stupidity of it. One caller referred to it as “Cannibalizing”, I very much agree with that assessment. As fans we have waited for both these fighters to step back into the ring and to fight on the same evening only detracts from each other and the sport.

Instead of the boxing winning out by having two great bouts in the same month we get instead a pissing contest between the venues, and the sport suffers, while these entities battle for market share. Reminds me of the story of the old bull, and the young bull. Sheer madness!

Frankie Toledo issue Challenge

Former IBF champion Frankie Toledo is tired of waiting for another shot and issue a challenge yesterday through his management to Michael Brodie and Scott Harrison. Toledo (43-6-1) is on a power streak coming off 3 TKO’s since losing the title in a sixth round TKO to Manuel Medina in 2001.

WBC not pleased with Roy Jones Jr.Mesi vs. Jirov

This should be a good match-up for Mesi to shine again considering the lack of defensive skill Jirov displays. I have a funny feeling the fight was made mainly due to Jirov giving Toney a good go. Problem is that while Toney was the smaller man going against Jirov, Mesi is the larger. I think perhaps the Mesi team was looking to capitalize of the press Toney-Jirov got and it feels that if Mesi KO’s Jirov ,the props would suddenly be there as they were for Toney. Ain’t so Joe! It was the combination of Jirov and Holyfield that did it for James Toney last year , making him a threat for the Heavyweight crown. Not a legit heavyweight using downward mobility to backdoor a title shot!

Denny Moyer in Rest Home

I had a little conversation last week with Fred Ryan of the famous Grand Ave Gym, he let me know that former Champion Denny Moyer is in a rest home in Oregon area and we wish him the best of health. For the second time in a month I heard a story about a nursing home staff member calling a gym or an organization to confirm that the info a fighter (not EX, I hate that crap, once a fighter always a fighter) was telling people was true. The guy that called Fred wanted to know if it was true that Denny had fought Sugar Ray Robinson, he must have soiled himself when he found out that Denny not only had fought him but beat him.

Moyer was the first Light Middleweight Champ and finished with a career record of 98-37-4 25 ko’s
Battling from the 50’s with the likes of Johnny Saxton, Vince Martinez, Paddy Demarco through the 60’s against Kid Paret, Emile Griffith, Sugar Ray Robinson and other, into the 70’s against Mundine, Monzon and Antuofermo, Moyer’s record reads like a who’s who of the Middleweight Division for three decades.

I don’t need to make a call to remember Denny Moyer and it is a shame that anyone has to, our prayers are with the Moyer family, wishing for a healthy future for Denny.