Froch and Hague go head to head

09.09.04 – Nottingham’s Carl Froch and Derby’s Damon Hague will go head to head for the first time this Saturday (September 11th) since their British and Commonwealth super middleweight title showdown was announced.

The pair will drop the puck to start the Nottingham Panther’s Elite Ice Hockey league game against the Hull Stingrays at the Nottingham Arena. They will do battle of their own on the 24th September at the very same venue.

This will be the third occasion that Carl ‘The Cobra’ Froch has commenced proceedings for his local team, an event he always enjoys.

“The crowd always give me a fantastic reception,” said the 26-year-old. “Then I get to watch one of the country’s top ice hockey teams in action. All in all a pretty good night out I’d say! A great way to relax before my fight.”

The atmosphere around the City is already building ahead of the all Midland’s showdown.
“The fact that I am taking on Damon is creating a real buzz,” unbeaten Froch added. “My fans have seen him fight a few times now on the same shows as me so they know what he is all about; he is an all-action, determined fighter with bags of heart.

“For that reason they have always cheered him on.

“Add into the mix the fact that he is from just down the road and you can see why they are looking forward to it.”

As is Hague, 34, himself.

“This is going to be some night,” he began. “Everyone’s ears around Derby pricked up when they heard about this one.

“Not because there is any needle between myself and Carl – far from it, outside of the ring we have always got on – but because we are from the same region, are both in great form and both desperately want to win.

“This is all about business. This is what boxing should be all about. A great card, that also includes the world class Howard Eastman, and a knowledgeable crowd at a great venue that I have always enjoyed fighting at.

“I am looking forward to going back there, starting Saturday. I just hope I don’t slip on the ice!”