27.09.04 – By Izyaslav “Slava” Koza – Novirasputin@hotmail.com -Let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a knockout? Tyson, Mayorga, or Tua catching a stunned opponent straight on the jaw, and whirling their head back to oblivion, and then coming in for that final devastating shot that will surely knock the opponent off their feet, and onto the canvas. If we take that a step further, we can even conclude that it’s the reason why most fans watch boxing. Its why guys like Mesi, and Hatton are embraced as headliners even before they have meaningful fights with ring veterans like Jirov and Tackie. So where does that put guys like Cory Spinks? Boxers who go out and do exactly what it is they are supposed to, and box for 12 rounds straight?
Before we answer that question, lets just go back to the night of August, 19th 1995, and reminisce about Mike Tyson’s first fight after his stint in Prison. The stage was set, Tyson was supposed to return with a vengeance, and the first victim of that rampage would have to be future “Pizza Hut” punching bag, Peter Mcneely. We all know what happened in that unforgettable contest (Tyson flattened him as expected for those who choose to forget), but what about those upper class elite who paid $1000+ for front row seats, or us regular Joes who paid half a day’s wage to watch that 2 minute spectacle? I can’t tell you how many complaints I heard about that one. However, what are we to expect, a 12th round slugfest ala Tua vs. Ibeabuchi?
Now how does this relate to what I was talking about in the beginning? Well, just take a look at the paradox: We, as fans, love KO’s and quick endings to fights, but on the other hand, we despise having to pay money for super short fights. At the same time, when guys like Cory Spinks come out and put on a boxing display for 12 rounds where he demonstrates superior speed, movement, and crafty ring generalship, a collective groan rises up, as there are complaints about Spinks lack of power.
I, for one, am glad there is a guy like Cory Spinks, who makes my money last for the whole 36 minutes. He doesn’t do it in the old, grab and clutch way like Ruiz, Akinwande or any of those other guys who don’t seem to know the rules. Spinks does it in style. Spinks does it the way its supposed to be done; Spinks does it without being hit (well, most of the time, that is) and that’s the name of the game. Frankly, I get goose bumps when I see him stun a fighter like he did againt Miguel Gonzalez, with a warp speed 3 punch combination that had the first two punches confuse the battle tested veteran by being near misses, and the third one landing mean and clean. What’s even more amazing is those shots had the same superficial appeal as a Tua left Hook, or a Tyson bomb from either hand. The difference is, of course, that if I pay to see Spinks I get to see those flawless, crisp bad boys fly for 12 full rounds, as opposed to Tua’s demolition of Moorer, or Tyson’s handling of Clifford “ I don’t know where I am” Ettiene. To boot, I also get to see marvelous footwork, and slipping and ducking, which makes boxing that much more interesting.
Another point that is important to note is that Spinks style serves him, and prepares him better for a championship fight, than that of a KO artist or a 1 punch Hercules. Knocking out all your opponents in one round, before getting to fight for the championship, might seem all well and good, but what happens when the champ lets you swing away and takes you into round six, and seven, and eight? What will a fighter do if he is only prepared to take his opponent out in three or less? The answer is quite simple; He will drown like a mobster with cement boots. Cory Spinks can fight a whole 12 rounds and thus usually never has to worry about his stamina, or lack there of getting the better of him. Simply from a strategy vantage point, it’s quite obvious why that is better then a magnificent one punch KO.
This is why, as far as I’m concerned, it makes Spinks the true “Next Generation” fighter. One who focuses on showing the fans why boxing is such an interesting and difficult sport to master, and why beating your opponent doesn’t have to make him unconscious. In my oppinion, it’s what makes Cory Spinks the future of boxing.
All thoughts to Novirasputin@hotmail.com