Winky…. How good is he?

16.05.05 – By B. Benjamin Diamond: Winky Wright has become a star based on his last three fights. But how good is the Winkster? His latest conquest came Saturday when he beat an overmatched Trinidad. Well, Tito is a good fighter but even Emmanuel Stewart said after the fight Saturday night that “Tito has always been a little overrated”..

Emmanuel said he expected Wright to stop Tito in the later rounds most likely the 8th. Lets face it Tito is a great entertainer and exciting to watch but Tito’s a little “OVERRATED.” The fact that Tito is over-rated makes it hard to judge just how good Winky really is.

Let us not forget Tito is 0-for-2 in his last to fights against “A” level competition. Tito lost 2 fights one fight to DLH and 1 to Hopkins before he fought Cherfi who is not even a “B” level fighter. Then he fought a rugged but unskilled, made to order Mayorga. Mayorga had just had his a$$ handed to him by Spinks in his last high profile fight.

Winky earned that shot to beat up on an overrated Trinidad by defeating Sugar Shane two times in a row. Now Shane at Lighter weights was not hyped up at all … he was GREAT!!! However, Lets take a look at the Shane that Winky beat two times. Winky beat a blown up Mosley who was on a 3 fight losing streak. Mosley had just lost to DLH (in second fight) and than
he lost to Forest two times in row. So Mosley was not even close to being the spectacular fighter he had been at lower weights when he fought Wright.

So what do we really have? Wright who beat a Mosley who was on a three fight losing streak, then beats Tito who lost his last two fights against “A” level competition (one to DLH and 1 to BHOP). Not to mention he was on vacation for 2 years. My point is Winky is good but … But how good? All the fighters he made his name against are BIG DRAWS and very exciting
fighters. Winky fought Mosley on his way down and out of his effective weight class. Winky also confirmed, once again, that Trinidad was never so proficient at his craft and was slightly overrated to begin with, not to mention Tito was on a two fight losing streak and coming back after a two year lay off. I like Trinidad but he is good not great. I like Winky but how good is he?

Thoughts?? Ideas? You agree? Disagree?