05.05.06 – By Michael Montero: Well it seems that my first edition caused quite a stir. After reading comments on the message boards I felt the need to get in another short notebook this week. Here we go…
The double standard and the backlash: I would say that over 90% of the reviews I received on my first notebook were positive, and I thank all of you out there for your kind words. Even those of you who were critical backed up your arguments in a mature fashion with facts, and made numerous valid points.. One of the rules in writing is that you simply cannot please everybody, no matter what you write some people will either be offended or just not like it. The same is true for entertainments of all forms – I should know as I also dabble in acting, modeling and music (and am a former athlete). But a few of you out there wanted to call me a racist when I spoke negatively about James Toney while speaking in a positive light about the new Eastern European heavyweights. This is when I felt the need to respond.
First, I guess a few of you forgot about the part of my article where I called Chris Byrd a class act who deserved more credit (last time I checked, he’s a “black” American). Perhaps you haven’t read previous articles where I called Andrew Golota a nutcase or Nikolay Valuev a joke (both are “white” Europeans). Maybe some of you just have a selected memory.
Second, all you haters did is PROVE my theory that there indeed is a double standard – thanks! James Toney said some absolutely despicable (racist) things and all I did was call him out on it – and now I’m the racist? This is the double standard I was speaking of. I appreciate you validating my argument for the world to see!
Third, a couple of you chose to label me, call me names and even post pictures of me and make immature comments about my mustache (which I had to grow out for a movie role) on the message boards while not once sending an email to discuss your issues with me directly. That’s why my email is on the notebook folks. If you have a problem with what I write (or questions, compliments) just send me a message, I respond to ALL of my email. So if any of you cowards that have a problem want to be a man and send me an email, I’ll gladly respond and we can talk.
While I’d personally like to display my boxing skills (years practicing in Detroit gyms) on a few of these fools, I must now digress. One of the first articles I wrote for Eastside explored the issue of prejudice in boxing. I came to the conclusion that boxing fans, and the entire sport in general, may be the most prejudiced there are on the planet. Race is always a very sensitive subject to discuss on all levels, and often when one makes an argument on the subject some people are quick to jump to conclusions and judge them unfairly (usually due to their own racism issues). Let me clearly state this for all of you know – I am not a racist. I do think that there are double standards in sports, just as there are in the everyday world, but that does not make me a racist. I happen to think that the best heavyweight (as well as the best supper middleweight) fighter in the world is from Europe, but that does not make me a racist. I happen to dislike James Toney and think he is an overrated heavyweight, but again that does not make me a racist. I can go on forever here, but by now I think everybody should get the point. If you don’t, you can send me an email and I will be happy to explain myself further.
Mayweather is NOT the pound for pound king
Get ready to call me a racist again because I don’t think the “Pretty Boy” should be considered the number one fighter, pound for pound, in professional boxing. He is without a doubt the most talented boxer pound for pound, but not the best fighter. He just turned down $8 million to fight Antonio Margarito; a man that Floyd has publically said is “not in his league”. Well, if he’s not on your level Floyd, why don’t you get in there, destroy him, and walk away with the biggest payday of your career? Rumor has it that Mayweather is waiting on De La Hoya for even bigger money, but that fight won’t be able to happen until the end of the year – what are you going to do until then Floyd? Not to mention that he won’t get paid that much more in a fight with Oscar, trust me. The truth, I believe, is that secretly the Pretty Boy sees Margarito as a bigger Jose Luis Castillo. In my opinion he lost his first fight with Castillo, and danced all night in their second fight. There really needs to be a rubber-match there at 140 or 147, but it will never happen. Since his bouts with Castillo back in 2002, just what has Mayweather done? In his last fight he failed to accomplish what Carlos Baldomir did when he couldn’t once seriously hurt Zab Judah in their April bout. Before that, it took him 6 rounds to do to Sharmba Mitchell what Kostya Tszyu only needed 3 to do. He failed to make the big fights at 140 (Hatton, Cotto, Tszyu) before moving up to 147 and now he’s once again failed to make a big fight with the real welterweight champ, Antonio Margarito. Anybody notice how Floyd always finds a way to not fight big punching, physical brawlers since facing Castillo?
Don’t get me wrong, if the “King of Bling” fights and beats the likes of Margarito, Hatton the improved Castillo (decisively) again I will have no problem moving him into the top spot on my pound for pound rankings. However if he does get De La Hoya later this year and beat the part-time fighter, part-time promoter, businessman and singer; I won’t move him up a notch. Well, maybe I will if the Golden Boy knocks Mayorga out in the first round tomorrow night – but that won’t happen. For now fighters like Winky Wright (if he beats Taylor next month), Manny Pacquiao, Marco Antonio Barrera and Castillo (if he beats Corrales next month) are all above him on my list (yes even Castillo, who Floyd holds victories over). Notice all of those fighters have one thing in common? They’ve all lost before! So please Floyd, quit trying to protect your undefeated record and get out there and fight the best. The parade is passing you by Mr. Mayweather; please don’t become the new Roy Jones Jr.
Tszyu-Hatton revisited
I recently got a chance to check out their fight from almost a year ago, and I noticed something – Hatton got away with every dirty trick in the book! The guy used elbows, head butts and rabbit punches all night and was not warned once by the referee. After Tszyu landed an accidental low blow, Hatton retaliated with an intentional, very low blow and wasn’t even warned. He should have had a point taken away for that punch, if not two. Kostya just wasn’t the same after that blow; I believe it took the life out of him in an already very tough fight. I honestly believe that had a point been taken there, Tszyu would have come out for the final round. But I take nothing away from Hatton; he did what he had to do and willed himself to victory against a first ballot hall-of-famer.
Anyway, I bring this up because I wonder just how much of those rough-house tactics Hatton will be able to get away with in the states. What happens when he gets in the ring with a top American fighter, in America, and get repeatedly warned/penalized for his antics? How will he respond? That’s what I want to see next Saturday when he fights Luis Collazo in Boston. Not only is this his first fight outside of England, it’s his first fight at 147. This is a big test for the Hitman, and if he wins big he certainly deserves to be on everybody’s pound for pound list. This will be the third fight in a row that he has faced a champion, not many professional boxers out there can say that today. Say what you will about Hatton, he’s one of the few fighters today (like Castillo, Corrales and others) that’s making moves.